Rapture 2

Rapture 2

Rapture 3

Rapture 3

Rapture 4

Rapture 4

Rapture 5

Rapture 5

Rapture 6

Rapture 6

WilliamBo's Pic

WilliamBo's Pic

I have labeled what I referred to when asked what I saw.
Zodiac Numbered

Zodiac Numbered

Abraham was not told in Genesis 15:5 to "count" but number (recognize the proper order) the stars. It is Genesis 22:17 that speaks about his MANY descendants, not Gen 15:5. Galations 3:16 bears this out as well.
Greg Merrill

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These are pictures that don't fit in under the titles of my first two albums.
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Greg Merrill
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Greg Merrill

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