Is 2018 The Awakening?

Is this Awakening connected to a truly pro-Israel USA President?

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And if so is it perhaps because President Trump might just be the predicted Christian Political Cyrus type of person?

His courage to decree the move of the USA embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is one of the most pro-Israel acts of any American President in decades.

KENT CHRISTMAS Prophecy for 2018: FULL TRANSCRIPT below:
God has been speaking to me prophetically about our nation and about the church, and I have never written
down a prophetic word before in thirty-some years that God has used me prophetically. To
my knowledge I’ve never got behind the pulpit and read a prophetic word of the Lord.
But God has given me so much over the last few days that in my prayer time I could do
nothing but write. So today I’m going to read you a prophecy that God has been giving
me. And this prophecy deals with the nation, it deals with the lukewarm, it deals with
the wicked, and it deals with the righteous. This prophecy is not specifically for this
church, even though The Resting Place is a part of the Body of Christ, this prophecy
that I’m going to give you today is not specifically for this church. So if it doesn’t apply
to you, don’t take it. If it does, then reach out and get a hold of it. It is for the Body of
Christ and because we are live streaming I trust that this word of the Lord will be
released into places that it needs to be released today in the house of the Lord. It starts
out really in a negative. It ends up in a positive. And so, though I am not used to doing
it this way, this is how I felt the Lord lead me today.

The Lord says that, “I am now taking hold of the reins of the nations in the earth and of
My Body, the church. The season of men being in charge is over, and I am now going
to perform the word of My prophets that they have declared for generations.”
“To those in My house who are believers but have left your first love, either return unto
Me your passion, or I am going to remove your candle stick and I will give it to another.
And the light of My presence will no longer be in your life because you did not value the
presence of the Lord.”

“For Christians who no longer value My presence anymore and are lukewarm and My
house has not been a priority in your lives, I’m going to withdraw from you this coming
year” says God. “I have blessed the lukewarm hoping that My blessings would make
you love Me more and want to spend time with Me, but you have fallen in love with My
blessings instead of Me. I am now going to remove My protection that I have had in
your lives and in your house and over your families” says the Lord. “And when you cry
out to Me, I will not answer you in that day.”

“My people have run after preachers and prophets who have lied to them and said ‘it’s
alright to be lukewarm and committed to Me’ and ‘make sin peace in your life’. They
have said that I am only a God of grace and mercy, and though I take no pleasure in
the death of the wicked, I also take no pleasure in My people who honor Me with their
lips but not with their hearts.”

For Christians who have known My holy presence and have been filled with My Spirit
but have put no value on that privilege, I am, in 2018, beginning to remove My presence
from them and they will no longer even feel convicted for the ways that they go in that
are no longer right.”

“I have never asked My children to be perfect, just to be holy. Not to love the world or
the things that are in the world, but to love Me first. What the lukewarm have sold their
souls for in the church, I am now going to take from them and I’m going to give it to my
children who have lived for Me at any cost. And there is going to be great change in the
value system in the house of God. I am not releasing this word today”, says the Lord,
“because I’m looking for people to repent, but I’m releasing this word because I am
absolving Myself of the blood of the lukewarm on the day that you stand and look into
the eyes of your Holy Father. So He who is holy, let him be holy still. And he who is
unclean, let him be unclean.”

“Starting in 2018, I am going to begin to remove many churches in this nation who
have made My house a house of merchandise, but have caused My presence to be hid
from My sheep. For My house shall be called a house of prayer”, says the Lord, “and
not a din of thieves. My house shall be a hospital”, sayeth God, “that shall be filled with
the bruised, the broken, and the needy. And though My house has been filled with
many, it’s not been filled with those who My spirit has reached out to.”

“This final move that I am now releasing in the earth”, sayeth the Lord, “is not a move
that is going to have mixture, but it will be a move of the pure presence of Myself and
of the Shekinah glory of God. I am releasing My glory and My presence in the earth
because the harvest is now ready”, says the Lord “and I have been waiting for laborers
to gather the harvest in.”

“I now say unto the church that I have enough labors”, sayeth God “to bring the
harvest into the house of the Lord. So 2018,” sayeth the Lord “for many houses, your
walls will have to be pushed out”, sayeth God “ for there is an army of men and women
that are getting ready to come into the house of the Lord. And for those that are
laborers”, sayeth God “your labor in My work has not been in vain, but the joy of the
Lord shall be in thee as you watch”, sayeth God “them come in. Not by the hundreds,
and not by the thousands, but by the millions they shall come into the United States of
America and to other nations. And My house again shall be called the house of prayer.”
“As I now begin to release My glory in the nation, there are going to be massive crowds
and abundant supply of financial resources. And great signs and wonders shall not
only be in the church, but shall even begin to be released in Congress and in
governments”, sayeth God “and in places of leadership throughout the world.”

“I have withheld signs and wonders and miracles because the counterfeit church has
made a god out of them and sought them and counterfeited them and would not give
Me glory. 2018 shall be a beginning of the greatest supernatural display of the power

and of the glory of God that man has ever seen. You shall stand in amazement”, sayeth
God “and even the stories that have been told to you by those of another generation
shall not be able to measure up to that which I am getting ready to release in the Body
of Christ for the glory of the Lord. For it is my honor”, sayeth God “to display My
muscle and the power of My might. And though I have been limited”, sayeth God “I am
now no longer limited. For I have an army of believers who have risen up in faith who
have declared ‘Our God can do anything’.”

The days of the Devil and his servants putting a muzzle on my people are over. I now”,
sayeth the Lord “am going to put great men in places of tremendous influence in the
nations. And they will speak with such authority and power that the enemy will not be
able to be challenged. And the voices that have stood on your televisions and have
said that God is dead and that righteousness is evil, and evil is righteousness,” God
said “I am going to smite them. I am now declaring war on the devil and his kingdom
and all his savants which have tried to destroy Me and my people.”

“2018”, sayeth God “will be known and remembered as the year of death in the United
States for the wicked who have been a mouth piece for Satan and also for false
prophets, hirelings, and wolves in sheep’s clothing, and the lukewarm”. God said, “I
am physically going to begin to remove men and women. And when you get up in the
coming years”, sayeth the Lord “you shall be amazed at the names that are going to
begin to leave the earth the have tried to detour the power and the glory of the Lord. I
am going to replace them with men, hallelujah, who have never been heard and women
who have been silenced by the enemy. And they shall stand and speak under the
wisdom and the power of God. And even your news channels”, sayeth the Lord “shall
begin to give them coverage of what God is saying in this hour. In 2018, though it will
be a year of death for the wicked”, God says “it will be remembered as the year of
rebirth and life for the righteous.”

“I now speak as the Eternal Father of Heaven”, says the Lord. “For decades My Son,
Jesus Christ has been ridiculed, discredited, mocked, and ignored by the wicked and
not been given the honor and the reverence by the lukewarm.” God says, “I am now, in
2018, in this nation and in nations around the world, I’m going to vindicate My Son,
Jesus Christ, in the nations. And I am going to lift Him up and His Name, and it will be
a Name above all names in Heaven and earth”, sayeth the Lord. “And the Name of
Jesus again will be on the lips of men and women that are righteous in this country.
And the days of maligning My God”, sayeth the Lord “are going to become over.” God
says, “I am going to bankrupt sports in the year of 2018”, sayeth God. “I am coming
against Hollywood. I am coming against the NFL. I am coming against professional
sports”, sayeth God “and they shall never recover for the spirit that has been within
them. At the same time,” sayeth the Lord “ there is going to be a spirit of honor that is
going to descend upon the house of God and I am going to redeem the integrity of My
people and of My ministry”, says the Lord “and the house of God shall be known as a
house of integrity and righteousness and power”, sayeth the Lord.

“Starting now and continuing into the year 2018, I am going to answer the long term
prayers of the righteous, both in the Spirit and in the natural. For years”, sayeth the
Lord “My children have prayed to Me, and petitioned Me, and asked Me, and
commanded Me, and yet I have been silent until they have wondered ‘God do you even
hear us?’. Yes, I heard you oh righteous children! And not only am I going to answer
your prayers in the Spirit realm, and yes there is going to be revival, and glory, and
restoration” God says “the year 2018 shall be a year of natural blessing upon the house
of God. The Lord said, “moving companies are not going to have enough trucks to
handle the amount of the righteous that are moving out of one house into another”.
God says, “I am going to take businesses”, sayeth the Lord. “I’m going to transfer their
ownership and their deed. And I’m going to give it to men that have struggled but have
tithed and have stood on the things of God and held onto the word of the Lord.”

“2018 will be a year of great reward to those, who with their great sacrifice and faith,
have proved to Me, whether I answered their prayers or not, that they would love Me
and serve Me til they die. And if they die with their prayers not answered, that praise
would still be upon their lips as they cross over from that world to this. I am going to
command the enemy to release,” sayeth God “and restore all that he has stolen from
the righteous men and women in the earth. So that the word of the Lord shall be
fulfilled that declares ‘the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous’. And
though they think because their name is on the deed that it belongs to them”, God said
“I have had this generation of wicked men be just become care takers to nurture and to
take care, and to grow the prosperity that I am getting ready to release unto the house
of the Lord”. God says, “I am going to give you the pick”, sayeth the Lord “even unto
this local church, of a sanctuary that you want”. The Lord says, “there has been praise
that has come up out of this house. And though you have wondered ‘God are we
invisible?’ and ‘Do You know that we are here?’, God says “ your praise has ascended
unto the throne room of the Lord. And so God says, “I am preparing thee a house and
a habitation that shall be beautiful and you shall be as a city that is set upon a hill and
shall not be hid”, sayeth God. “There will be no mortgage”, sayeth the Lord, “that in the
last move of God”, God says, “man and the righteous will not take up three and four
offerings in the house of the Lord trying to fund My Kingdom”, but God says “there will
be such an abundance of the presence of God through money and resource, that we
will have to tell the people enough is enough because thy coffers shall overflow. For the
earth is full of My possessions” sayeth the Lord “and I own cattle on a thousand hills.

Do not think because I have been silent that I have not heard thy voice, but oh the year
of the Lord has been attuned to the cry of my people. And I now stand in this day”,
sayeth God “and I flex the muscle of My arm. And I declare that the earth is Mine. The
church is Mine. Man is Mine. That I made man and he did not make Me. And My word
will not return unto Me void”, sayeth the Lord.

“This move that you are going to see with thy eyes is not a pruning of my house”,
sayeth God “but it is a cleansing. ‘And thou shall (Hebrews 10:31) be fulfilled”, says the

It’s is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
The Lord says that, “I am not going to judge those in this house who have sinned out
of weakness”. God said, “My mercy shall cover you”. But He said, “I am going to judge
those in this nation and My house who have sinned out of choice and rebellion, and
have rejected the ways of God”. “Grace”, sayeth the Lord “and judgement shall flow as
two rivers at the same time from My throne and one shall be to the righteous whom the
world has mocked and ridiculed and the other shall be to the wicked who have said
‘There is no God’. Oh know this”, sayeth the Lord “that when the trumpet sounds all
shall wish they had been as the righteous. For the favor of God is now upon My
people”, sayeth the Lord. “And as though they reaped the plagues in Egypt of the first
few”, God said “I have declared from this day on that I am setting”, sayeth the Lord “a
fence around godly families. And I make a commitment to you”, sayeth the Lord “and
an oath that cancer shall not cross over, and death shall not cross over, and disease
shall not cross over, and the devour shall not cross over. For there is favor upon thee.
And while there grows darkness in this nation, there shall be light in the land of the
righteous”. So the Lord says, “I am loosing a sound of rejoicing in this sanctuary,
hallelujah. And the spirit of heaviness that the enemy has put on you”, sayeth the Lord
“I take off of you. And I put on you the garment of praise. Even get ready”, sayeth the
Lord “that even this week”, sayeth God “My word is going to begin to be fulfilled
because I do not lie and My word shall not return unto Me void. And for those that have
served me for generations and for decades and have wondered ‘God if this is all there
is’, know my son and daughter this is just the beginning of that which is being released.
So choose Me” sayeth the Lord “choose Me and know that the arm of flesh will fail
you, but the arm of God Almighty shall sustain thee forever.” Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
God says, “There have been many that before men, you were ashamed”. God says, “I
can no longer have people who will be ashamed of Me before men”. God said, “I need
you to take a public declaration that from this day on, regardless of the cost, I am
going to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.” God said that, “The last move of the Lord will
never ever be to the lukewarm, but it will be to the unsaved and it will be to the
righteous”. And God said, “I am withdrawing my conviction from those that have heard
Me and I have pleaded and they have not come.” And God said, “You say there’s time.”
God says, “There is no more time, not for the lukewarm. There is for the righteous and
there is for the unsaved.” But the Lord says, “What I am releasing to Resting Place is
so precious and so glorious that I cannot allow it to be put on people who don’t put
value on it”. God says that, “There is a wind of rest that I am beginning to blow. Even
this morning”, sayeth God “I am blowing rest into The Resting Place, hallelujah. I am
blowing rest upon the lives of you faithful men and women that have been so depleted
from the battle”. And God says, “Today I am taking the sword out of thy hand, and I’m
putting a banner of righteousness and praise. And the war is coming to an end with evil
in your life, hallelujah, hallelujah. For the unsaved that are in your families”, God says
“part of my heritage to you, “sayeth the Lord “is that before this coming year is out
many of you are going to stand in this church with your unsaved seed standing beside
you, and they are going to give their hearts to the Lord”. God said, “I am bringing

healing to the rifts of families, hallelujah. That there is a bond of unity and love thats
getting ready to hit the house of God”.

And so the Lord says, “I am not angry with thee today. That I released this word
because I am now moving and man is no longer in charge”. And God says this, “I want
you to be in My house. I want you to be in My Kingdom. I want to open the windows of
Heaven on you. I want to bless you”. God says, “I am not angry. You are my love. I take
no pleasure in the death of the wicked”. God said, “what I have is so valuable, that
what I am going to give to committed people is of such price that I can only give it to
people who by faith have declared value on me”. God said, “I have not forgotten the
sacrifices that you have made, the tears you’ve cried, the pain of thy heart, the
rejections, the sufferings, the embarrassments that you have endured for being a
Christian. Know this”, sayeth the Lord “there has been a minority voice of evil, not of
culture that has spoken in this nation”. God says, “now I’m going to muzzle that voice”.

And God said, “there is a voice of righteousness”, and God says “You will sit as you
watch different television news stations, you will look to one another in amazement and
say ‘I can’t believe what I’m hearing’. Because God says, “I am lifting up men and I’m
going to confirm”, sayeth the Lord, “that it is not the days of preaching anymore, but it
is the day of demonstrating. And though there will be preaching in the house of God”,
God says “it will not have the preeminence like it’s had”. But God said, “the greatest
preaching that is going to come forth is there is going to be a confirming of the word,
signs and wonders following”. The Lord says, “it’s even going to be on little children”.
God said, “I’m going to hit My class rooms”. The Lord says, “I am invading the school
system of this nation and these lies”, sayeth the Lord “that have infiltrated”, the Lord
said, “there are going to be professors and teachers that I am going to remove”, sayeth
God “because they have stood in my class rooms and taught this generation that
which is not true of Me”. And the Lord said, “there is a righteous sound”.

Hallelujah, and the Lord also says this, “the flag of this nation shall never fall to the
ground in infamy and embarrassment”, but the Lord said, “I am raising it back up and
as thou has honored the flag”, sayeth the Lord, “thou has honored Me. And know this”,
sayeth God “I breathe on you”, sayeth the Lord. “I breathe on you life. I breathe on you
joy. I breathe on you peace, hallelujah. May the peace of God be upon you, My
children, and may you receive My word today” sayeth the Lord.
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Ken Rank

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What awakening are you speaking of? Why 2018?

Mat 24:32 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.
Mat 24:33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near--at the doors!
Mat 24:34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.

The above describes an awakening, a fig tree (Israel) coming out of it's winter slumber and those who see this won't pass... that generation won't pass. This is a reference to the exodus... that generation, the one that came out of Egypt, did pass without seeing the Promised Land. But this time, God will make a short work of it. But the question we must ask is, "what are we awakening to?" I believe our true identity, Dennis. That we truly are a part of Israel and that the Jewish people are not the entire House of Israel. If true, then this awakening could be argued to have begun in the 70's but I think to the non-Jewish realm, more like the mid-90's. Now, hundreds of thousands if not a few million "Christians" around the world view themselves as part of Israel, part of those still dispersed in the nations.
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Ken Rank

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That all said, there will be movements of the Spirit along the way, until Yeshua returns. And, the masses still do not see themselves in OT prophecy. The "ten men from the nations who grab the hem (tzitzit) of the Jew" has many teachable points. One of which is that the "ten" are the tribes and they are in the nations. But this also shows a great deal of people coming to a much smaller group of people... the masses who will come to the smaller amount who were awakened ahead of time.
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What awakening are you speaking of? Why 2018?

Mat 24:32 "Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.
Mat 24:33 So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near--at the doors!
Mat 24:34 Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.

The above describes an awakening, a fig tree (Israel) coming out of it's winter slumber and those who see this won't pass... that generation won't pass. This is a reference to the exodus... that generation, the one that came out of Egypt, did pass without seeing the Promised Land. But this time, God will make a short work of it. But the question we must ask is, "what are we awakening to?" I believe our true identity, Dennis. That we truly are a part of Israel and that the Jewish people are not the entire House of Israel. If true, then this awakening could be argued to have begun in the 70's but I think to the non-Jewish realm, more like the mid-90's. Now, hundreds of thousands if not a few million "Christians" around the world view themselves as part of Israel, part of those still dispersed in the nations.

I am pretty sure that one major reason for 2018 being the year for this to occur is because President Trump and his administration are exceptionally pro-Israel.

Ezekiel 37:16

"Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:

And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand."

Does the new unity between Israel and America fit with Ezekiel 37's two sticks?
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That all said, there will be movements of the Spirit along the way, until Yeshua returns. And, the masses still do not see themselves in OT prophecy. The "ten men from the nations who grab the hem (tzitzit) of the Jew" has many teachable points. One of which is that the "ten" are the tribes and they are in the nations. But this also shows a great deal of people coming to a much smaller group of people... the masses who will come to the smaller amount who were awakened ahead of time.

Interesting.... a young Israeli near death experiencer
named Natan was shown that Jewish people wearing tzitzit
was far more important than many Jews would tend to imagine.

I believe that what he was shown fits perfectly with several statements by Messiah Yeshua - Jesus.

Matthew 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.?
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven."

Are we going into a time period when we will know that if
a Jewish person obeys the seemingly "least" commandment of
wearing tzitzit.... this is probably a Jewish person who probably can answer many of our
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The Librarian
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And if so is it perhaps because President Trump might just be the predicted Christian Political Cyrus type of person?

His courage to decree the move of the USA embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is one of the most pro-Israel acts of any American President in decades.

I was entertained when a commenter said Trump needs to "stop and think this through."
As if a few more months of thinking would change things.
As if Trump would do that for anything.
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I was entertained when a commenter said Trump needs to "stop and think this through."
As if a few more months of thinking would change things.
As if Trump would do that for anything.

I just listened to a message by Lance Wallnau Ph. D. that sure indicates that the timing was indeed important..... and inspired. It seems to me that without a full fledged Awakening..... the extreme political left are determined to set in motion a plan to destroy the Trump Presidency. Which..... I believe is largely because they hate the nation of Israel...... and do not want a pro-Israel President in the White House.

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Zionists under the flag with the star of Moloch hate the goyim, or at least, they look at them as their servants.
These things and other crazy stuff is straight from the Talmud.
They invented communism and declared war on Germany in the 1930s.
They rule the money and the media for over a century.
Shocking stuff obviously, because we got fed the opposite.
I wonder if i'm even allowed to say such things here.
In Europe it is a crime to doubt the 'official' story.
does that mean i hate the nation of Israel?
Not really, but aspects of it, yes.

But an awakening means opening eyes to the truth.
So as far as i'm concerned, let's get more of the truth out.
Look (for example) for "Europa - the last battle" on youtube, before it will be deleted by the censors again.
But this documentary series will give you an idea of what's been going on, which we didn't get taught throughout our lives.
Be sure you can deal with the cognitive dissonance properly though...
It's shocking stuff.

I realise that by posting this, some may hit report buttons either here or on YT, but i feel it is important to raise some awareness, maybe because apparently it's the time of swamp cleaning at the moment.
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Ken Rank

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I am pretty sure that one major reason for 2018 being the year for this to occur is because President Trump and his administration are exceptionally pro-Israel.

Ezekiel 37:16

Does the new unity between Israel and America fit with Ezekiel 37's two sticks?
I don't believe that the two sticks are the United States and Israel. I believe that the two sticks are the Southern Kingdom Judah, and the Northern Kingdom Israel, and their promised reunification. Joseph, Ephraim, Israel and Samaria are all words that are used interchangeably to speak of the Northern Kingdom. And God has promised to call them back from the nations and rejoin them with Judah making them one Whole House of Israel. The prophesies, Dennis, are not about man created and man run governments... but a PEOPLE of God. Israel is a people, not a secular nation.
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I tend to raise an eyebrow when any "prophet" has to explain to me first they are a prophet and give me a dissertation on why their prophecy is true. The bible says simply let them prophesy and let the elders judge if it is true or not. I also take issue with open ended vague prophecy. When I read the bible none of the prophets starting out saying, well you know I never did this before and actually wrote it down. Also, the prophets spoke DIRECTLY to the people they were prophesying to, not going to a group of people and saying, well I am not talking about "you guys" per say, but woe to the people who I am talking to. No, the prophet went directly to the person, or group the Lord told them to go to, told them clearly what their sin was, clear message of repentance, and a clear message of what would happen if they did not. They do not give vague reference like those who know me and have stood for me. You see just about everyone, even the deceived could hear that and think, I am ok, I fit into the "good" camp.
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Zionists under the flag with the star of Moloch hate the goyim, or at least, they look at them as their servants.
These things and other crazy stuff is straight from the Talmud.

Bingo, and Christians put these flags with the star of Moloch up in their churches. There is no star of david in the bible, anywhere. There is the star of Moloch mentioned more than once, and we know that the star of Moloch is exactly what we call today the star of david.

With that being said, I am not anti-Semitic by any means and I want to make that clear now. But there is evidence of deception around the star of david and who currently occupies Israel.
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I tend to raise an eyebrow when any "prophet" has to explain to me first they are a prophet and give me a dissertation on why their prophecy is true. The bible says simply let them prophesy and let the elders judge if it is true or not. I also take issue with open ended vague prophecy. When I read the bible none of the prophets starting out saying, well you know I never did this before and actually wrote it down. Also, the prophets spoke DIRECTLY to the people they were prophesying to, not going to a group of people and saying, well I am not talking about "you guys" per say, but woe to the people who I am talking to. No, the prophet went directly to the person, or group the Lord told them to go to, told them clearly what their sin was, clear message of repentance, and a clear message of what would happen if they did not. They do not give vague reference like those who know me and have stood for me. You see just about everyone, even the deceived could hear that and think, I am ok, I fit into the "good" camp.

This message has been shared 11,774 times already and just one of the videos has been viewed over 365,000 times so far...... so his method of getting this message out to his target audience sure seems to be wise and effective.

Genesis 12:1 - 3
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."
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I don't believe that the two sticks are the United States and Israel. I believe that the two sticks are the Southern Kingdom Judah, and the Northern Kingdom Israel, and their promised reunification. Joseph, Ephraim, Israel and Samaria are all words that are used interchangeably to speak of the Northern Kingdom. And God has promised to call them back from the nations and rejoin them with Judah making them one Whole House of Israel. The prophesies, Dennis, are not about man created and man run governments... but a PEOPLE of God. Israel is a people, not a secular nation.
I read The United States and Britain in Prophecy when
I was a teenager back in the '70's and I still consider it to be an excellent
explanation of what has been happening since the 1700's.
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Every year since early Christianity has been 'The year!'

But no year is a good year to be lukewarm toward our Messiah Yeshua - Jesus and what He has done for us.......

I know that in comparison to what has been available to me.....
I am relatively blind and deaf......
so I know that this message certainly applies to me.... and I feel that I need to repent.

Revelation 3:14

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
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Ken Rank

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I read The United States and Britain in Prophecy when
I was a teenager back in the '70's and I still consider it to be an excellent
explanation of what has been happening since the 1700's.
I am sure we find Israel in those nations, but the teachings you are referring to are known as British Israelism. The idea being that somehow, despite the fact that the Northern Kingdom lost it's identity and doesn't know it is Israel, and despite the fact that God "scattered" Israel out of Assyria into the nations like a sower would sow seed... we have managed to track the tribes to various nations anyway? Israel no longer knew they were Israel and no longer knew which tribe they belonged to but WE have somehow gained that knowledge and tracked them to certain nations today? Britain is Ephraim, the Us is Manassah? I am sorry... I vehemently reject the idea. The parable of the fig tree I shared earlier is the awakening to who we are. This explains why hundreds of thousands of Christians if not millions, are retaining the testimony of Yeshua WHILE opening up to God's Torah. They identify themselves as being a part of Israel... whether native born or grafted in like the foreigners who came of Egypt were... no matter, still part of Israel.
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I am sure we find Israel in those nations, but the teachings you are referring to are known as British Israelism. The idea being that somehow, despite the fact that the Northern Kingdom lost it's identity and doesn't know it is Israel, and despite the fact that God "scattered" Israel out of Assyria into the nations like a sower would sow seed... we have managed to track the tribes to various nations anyway? Israel no longer knew they were Israel and no longer knew which tribe they belonged to but WE have somehow gained that knowledge and tracked them to certain nations today? Britain is Ephraim, the Us is Manassah? I am sorry... I vehemently reject the idea. The parable of the fig tree I shared earlier is the awakening to who we are. This explains why hundreds of thousands of Christians if not millions, are retaining the testimony of Yeshua WHILE opening up to God's Torah. They identify themselves as being a part of Israel... whether native born or grafted in like the foreigners who came of Egypt were... no matter, still part of Israel.

Many Spanish speaking people are tracing their ancestry to Jews who were forced to convert to Christianity. Here is an especially interesting case of somebody who made Aliyah to Israel.

Catholic near death experiencer told she was Jewish...moves to Israel.
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This message has been shared 11,774 times already and just one of the videos has been viewed over 365,000 times so far...... so his method of getting this message out to his target audience sure seems to be wise and effective.

Genesis 12:1 - 3
Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."

Let's make this simple. Make yourself a calendar event for Jan 22, 2019. We will then go back and read this prophecy and see if it came to pass. If not, he is a false prophet. Reopen the thread at that time and do a serious evaluation.

Problem is, how to see if the prophecy is true? What is clearly measurable one year from now? Think about it and pull specifics that can be measured directly from his prophecy and in one year we will revisist.
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