One day, I was just minding my own business, reading in Daniel about the abomination happening in the "midst" of the week. The moment my eyes and mind got to the word "Midst," the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, "you could find the exact midpoint 'clearly marked' in the book of Revelation." I don't mean I was having a dream. I was wide awake. I don't mean I ate too much pizza: I had none. I heard words. It was the voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to me. My spirit man answered Him: "How would I find that?" The Holy Spirit answered: "Whenever I mentioned an event that will start at the midpoint, and go to the end of the week, I always mentioned the 3 1/2 years. When you find these mentions of the 3 1/2 years, you will be very close to the exact midpoint." At this time, I already knew there were five different mentions of the 3 1/2 years: two as 1260 days, two as 42 months, and one as time, times and half of time. So I understood immediately what He was saying. Then, almost as an afterthought, He added, "In fact, you could find the entire 70th week, 'clearly marked.'" When He said this, I knew in my Spirit that all three points would use the same marker, so when I found what was marking the midpoint, I would easily find the beginning and end of the 70th week. So I studied and meditated on chapters 11-13, where these five mentions of the 3 1/2 years were, for two or three months. Then one day, a "suddenly" happened to me. I was reading chapter 11, and suddenly noticed something very strange. John, in his narrative, is in the "midpoint intermission" in these chapters: he left off with the real-time events of the trumpets, and dropped into the midpoint intermission, to write about the things that must take place before the 7th trumpet can be sounded, and then before the vials can be poured out. (He does this same thing, an intermission, between the 6th and 7th seals also). So I was reading along, trying to assimilate all that takes place during this intermission, when suddenly I saw that 11:14-15 were VERY unusual: they are real-time events, in the middle of an intermission! Actually, John drops out of the intermission and goes to real time for these two verses, (and the worship that follows), and then John is back in the intermission. These two verses just seemed to leap out at me. I almost shouted: "God is using the 7's as markers!" While studying, I came up with the title, "real time events" to mean, the 7 seals, the 7 trumpets, the 7 vials and the three woes, because in these, we can see the movement of time, as one after another of these events take place. Then, when John breaks from his real-time narrative, and goes into other themes, I called these "Intermissions." They are like a play, or drama, when the curtain closes. When the curtain closes, people are "rearranging the set" behind the curtain, to get ready for the next act. This is exact what John does. He breaks from the real-time narrative of the seals, after the 6th seal, because he MUST cover two events before the 7th seal can be broken. He is "rearranging the set," if you will, getting ready for the 7th seal. He does the same thing between the 6th and 7th trumpet, but here does not get back to the real-time of the seals, trumpets and vials, until chapter 16. So John's midpoint intermission is from chapter 10 all the way to chapter 15 - with the minor exception of the 7th trumpet, and the short "history lesson" of 12:1-5. So as soon as I realized that the 7th trumpet clearly marked the midpoint, I rushed to the 7th vial, to read: " is done (finished)." Then I knew for sure that God had used the 7's as markers. I rushed to the 7th seal, and read about the silence for one half hour. Then I knew that God had marked the entire 70th week with the 7's: the 7th seal starts the week, the 7th trumpet marks the exact midpoint, and the 7th vial closes the week. It came to me as revelation knowledge. I was not asking for it, but the Holy Spirit gave it to me. He had said that when I find the mentions of the 3 1/2 years, I would be VERY close to the exact midpoint. In fact, the 7th trumpet is sounded after two mentions: the Gentiles that trample the court for 42 months, and the two witnesses that testify for 1260 days, and then before three mentions: The woman flees and is protected for 1260 days and for time, times and half of time, and finally, the beast has been given authority for 42 months. In each of these five, is an event that starts at the midpoint, and goes to the end of the week. Each one is therefore, a clue to the exact midpoint, just as the Holy Spirit said to me.