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What's all the Worship About?

What's all the Worship About?


You alone are the LORD. You made the heavens, even the highest heavens, and all their starry host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them. You give life to everything, and the multitudes of heaven worship you.
Nehemiah 9:6

The question began to haunt me. See, when I was younger I was wondering about all this mention of praise and worship unto the Lord. It was all over the bible and sounded somewhat vain on our Heavenly Father's part. Now, intellectually I knew this wasn't so. Yet, my heart betrayed the fact that I was questioning why He needed all this praise. So one day I sheepishly asked the Lord about it. The conversation went like this, "Lord, forgive me, I'm not proud of this and don't like that there is a part of me questioning why you would need all this praise. How it sounds vain. Please help me to understand Lord because I do not like thinking of you this way."

Wonderful what eventually unfolded once I came clean and confessed my feelings and thoughts. When I brought to light the things I tried to hide in the dark, the Lord didn't take very long to answer me. It wasn't a voice but in an understanding that came from within.

I was with my mom on that illuminating day. We were at some department store and as I had done many times before, I put my arm around her, kissed her on the cheek, and told her how beautiful she looked. I adore my mom and wouldn't doubt if I also threw in my usual sentiments of how wonderful she is. It gives me great pleasure to express my adoration of her.

And then it happened. Like the break of dawn dispensing the darkness of the night, light came flooding in. It was as if God was saying, "Do you see how you are with your mom? You really love and adore her. You about worship the ground she walks on and you just cannot help but express your love for her. That is what it is like to worship me. It isn't about vanity or some insatiable need on my part. It is a love and adore on your part that needs to be expressed."

Accompanying the excitement of revelation came the sobering realization that if I don't feel the need to worship our Lord continuously, I don't know how truly wonderful He really is. Yet what an exciting anticipation to know Him that way.

Later on in my journey I was watching my favorite worship dvd and I heard one of the band members quote Max Lucado in regards to worship. Max had said, "Worship is the 'thank you' that needs to be expressed."

I like that.

I also love that our Lord gets that we don't fully get Him. He isn't looking to pounce on us for our ignorance. He wants to reveal Himself to us and be known by us but we can hinder that process by trying to hide our true feelings in the dark. We need not hide in shame like Adam and Eve did. As children secure in their father's love, we can boldly enter into His Light where revelation awaits. And how wonderful when that light does come flooding into our hearts and we see with more clarity.

Maybe it is time we stop trying to make something happen and simply ask the Lord to equip us with the knowledge of how wonderful He is so that we can enjoy the blessings of worshipping him in Spirit and truth. A worship that springs from a heart so awakened to his love and goodness that it cannot help but express its adoration of Him.

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