Train Station

"Do you find it strange", He said, "that people give away their old clothes today and then seek them again in another season? It is because they are out of fashion but when they are in style they want them back." I reasoned aloud to Him that if the shirt were stained or the hat had holes in it or the pants were torn then neither men nor God would want them back but would just toss them away. So I asked, "Isn't God in the business of repairing and removing stains so they are useful again?" l realized the answer immediately and He appeared to me and spoke kindly with me about my stains and tears.

He said He was always in this place. To me, it was a place where many people passed all the time as they went about their lives. Some tarried here for a moment before moving on while others just passed through without stopping.

He has many helpers there who attend to the repairs as needed. I was shown a flag there that was seemingly burned in the center and the edges of the burnt area were rolled over and melted together. The helpers were leading me about from one "closet" to another reminding me that I was the one who needed to focus on spiritual matters.

I went to Him again to ask if I might stay here forever but that was not to be, "but you can see Me here anytime you wish, if you will make the time" I saw a hand reaching through a counter slot, like a pass slot at a secure window (like at the SS office for instance) and the thought came that I must "wait on Him" there.

As I boarded a train to leave, He and I spoke more and I was sad to have to leave. "How often we meet is your decision, I will always be here, waiting"

I left the station with angels explaining to me that THEY were about the world mending souls for God. One quipped that they only "fill the holes and sand them down" almost apologetically to say their work was unskilled. (My word, not theirs)

I saw again the burnt flag. They were able to unfold the material that was curled and the melted fibers became whole again and the flag was restored.

As we traveled together other vessels with people were passing us. I asked, "Are they aware that we are here passing by?" I was told they were not because they were not paying attention on their journey.

As the dream faded to reality, I was led to see 3 things.
  1. We are never beyond repair and are always in fashion to our God.

  2. God wants to teach us, like a father teaches his children the realities of life, and whenever we want His time, He is available.

  3. When the time comes to receive His instruction don't pull your hand away until He gives you everything you need. Wait on God.

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