The Three Pillars Of World Chronology

For those who have a general interest in history and chronology have at some point wondered: "Where do people get their BC/AD or BCE/CE dates? How do they know they're correct? And why do we bother to to trace how much time has passed in the first place?" These three important questions I will answer below.

"Where people get their BC/AD or BCE/CE dates?
It must be understood that all of the world's chronology rests upon Three Pillars:

1) The Year of Creation
2) The Birth of Christ
3) The Death of Christ

The origins of our modern Common Era can be traced back to a book from Johannes Kepler in 1615 who used the phrases, anno aerae nostrae vulgaris "From the Year of Our Common Era" and ab Anno vulgaris aerae "From the Year of the Common Era" which were used to distinguish the Eccleciastical years (i.e. Anno Domini) from the regnal years a sovereign used in national law. This method of dating goes back, we are told, to the time Dionysius Exiguus replaced the then current Anno Diocletiani ("Year of Diocletian") which counted the years from the reign of Diocletian with Anni Domini Nostri Jesu Christi ("Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ") which we have come to know as Anno Domini ("Year of our Lord"). The reason given was that he wished that the Church not remember the reign of a tyrant who cruelly persecuted the saints of Christ, but instead the number of years before our Lord Jesus was born, and the number of years after His death. He declared that 525 Years had passed from the birth of Christ to his time, yet Dionysius did not show how he arrived at 525 AD. In principle both 525 AD and 525 CE cover the same time periods; and, 1 AD/CE being the year Jesus Christ was born and 30 AD/CE the year He died according to the chronological account of Luke's gospel.

How do they know they're correct?
Just as there is only one correct answer to test questions so too is there one correct date for the world's chronological timeline. This is arrived at by knowing the correct years for the aforementioned Three Pillars which stand upon the Bible as their foundation. Therefore one must know biblical chronology to have the correct dates which would connect the histories of the world to the Word of God. For those interested in knowing the times we are in will benefit greatly from my two works Biblical Chronology: From Adam to the End of the World and Hiding the Messiah: Falsification of Genesis 5 & 11 where I cover all of the Hebrew Anno Mundi ("Year of the World") years straight from Scripture, and connect them to the years of the Greek Olympiads ("Athletes"), and the Roman Ab Urbe Condita ("From the Building of the City").

And why do we bother to to trace how much time has passed in the first place?"
Outside of the Three Pillars and the Word of God it is impossible to connect the beginning of time with the many chronologies and histories of the world to our modern day. When we are unable to do this we effectively become unprepared and ignorant of how much time we have left before the Great Tribulation and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. If there were no need to understand the timing of events then God would not have bothered to create time which determine the beginning, middle, and the end of the world; the luminaries which help us keep track of the year, the four seasons, and the hours and minutes which pass throughout the day and the night; and, God would not have given us the timing of Christ's birth, death, nor Daniel the 70 Weeks before the Second Coming of Christ.

In closing our very lives depend on knowing the correct years for the Three Pillars of our world's chronology which is founded upon the Word of God. Without these we are unable to connect the beginning, and middle, to our modern day which will result in being unprepared for the Second Coming of Christ and the end of the world at which time God will commence the Final Judgment. All who are unprepared like the Five Foolish Virgins will end up worshipping the Beast of the Sea/Fourth Beast and will end up taking the Mark of the Beast/Number of his Name: this will result in being condemned to the lake of fire to burn forever which is the Second Death.

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