The Battle For The Mind - A Tozer Sermon Commentary

Another A.W. Tozer sermon for today. This one is titled "Dangers in the Way: The Enemy You Don't See Coming." In this sermon Tozer warns us that there is a constant battle of ideas going on all around us. The fallen world is trying to get us to buy into its conception of things and we must battle against its tactics with the word of God. Tozer highlights the school system, the media and other ways that the world can present us with information that is contrary to the Word. I think the fundamental issue is sheer exposure (that is just how much and how often we keep hearing the same message over and over again) and how to address it. Every day we must go out and face the world as it presents us with its viewpoints through social media, advertising and the like. I think one way to address this is to limit our exposure to these things as much as we can (especially those things that breed covetousness in us) and increase in our fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Almost as a separate point, I think there is a lot of fear out there (and there are real dangers as evidenced by today's events) but we must remember that God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and self control (2 Timothy 1:7). It is particularly in the times of uncertainty that the Devil will try to press into our fear and get us to accept his conception of things (that is to be fundamentally suspicious and distrustful of others or the world in general). We should be cautious about the world and careful, walking in prudence (as Tozer also advises in his sermon), but we should not be fundamentally afraid of the world. Fear tends to limit us and give us tunnel vision; we no longer see things as they really are but only are focused on the immediate threat.

Lord Jesus Christ, in the wake of today's events I pray that you keep our hearts soft and open to your word. Moreover, enlarge our hearts to create in us greater compassion and forgiveness. May we always be wise about the world and its methods, but never afraid of it, resting confidently in our hope in Jesus Christ, who is our truth and our righteousness.

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