Rightly Dividing Timeline

This is still new to me but I’m starting to see things clearly that have been clouded.
More thoughts to come soon.

If our Lord Jesus Christ said simply believe in me you can do nothing then it makes sense to simply believe that He too will rapture us catching us up in the clouds before the time of tribulation and judgment like He told Paul to tell us. If there is no fear and condemnation is holy love then why would we be in the time of fear and wrath? It makes no sense. Trouble is simple isn’t appealing to us proud types, surely we can contribute in some way... we need complicated, sophisticated simple is beneath us we say.
I like simple. I believe God and His Son in a simple faith that I am loved, redeemed, adopted, justified, sanctified and sealed. That I have eternal life in Him and will be caught up in the clouds with Him and I believe without seeing but in hearing. Amen.

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hid in him
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