Response And Denial

Bing made a fantastic thread with a core question that every Gospel Workman should have an answer for.

I’m going to post Bing’s OP and my response because the synergy that Bing Created was fantastic!

Is the best answer: “Only God knows and you will have to ask Him when you get to heaven”?

Could God not save anyone and be true to His nature?

Could God save everyone and be true to His nature?

According to some, God could just as easily and righteously save your neighbor as you, so would you be just as happy or even happier if God saved your neighbor instead of you, since you are to Love your neighbor as Christ Loves them? How is this selection method not arbitrary?

God is the epitome of Love and part of the definition of Love is: 1 Cor. 13:5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs, so how can God not save some without it being self-seeking on His part? God would thus be selfless, so not saving some has to be to the benefit of others, so how does some going to hell benefit anyone?

IMO... you nailed it when you emboldened “it is not self seeking”. By 1 John 4:8 we know God is Love and 1 Corinthians 13 is the most accurate depiction of God’s “Psychology” so to speak. I preached a sermon on this once.

God also does not dishonor anyone!

God honors the heart/Will of Creation that He biblically endowed it with. This means that God is not the one that desires ANY are lost.

Infact, 2 Peter 3:9 says God “Desires” none should perish but ALL come to repentance.

This means that some are lost because they are lost of their own Will and God selflessly honors their will. It is within the individual that the iniquity of rejecting God, trading the Creator for the Creation arises.

God desires only GOOD for His Creation but is so Loving He is willing to honor the will of His creation to the dismay of His very own HEART.

What does this mean? It means that God has gone, will Go... ALL out towards each soul that has been, is and will be!

How far did He go?

This Far!

John 3:16

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