Realizing Good By Witnessing Evil

I'm newly converted after deciding to remain and stay in the faith leaving it due to no family or friend who had a christian discipline
I'm nondenominational reborn christian who has recently realized that there is very much the reality of good and evil
and that it plays with the hearts and minds of people for their eternal souls and salvation.

The Bible teaches this specificly, more finely than every other religion that there is a right way and wrong way and that there is one god, and only one god and that their is a way of life and a way that leads to death. a way that is just and a way to rebel. As it turns out the things of evil are real and so are the things of good and truth.

I recently had the opportunty to make some observations that can stand the test of time only because its common sense and due to how I've noticed people have
acted now and in the past.

Good doesn't change

I have been wrestling with these things since I was a child, as most people do who grow up poor surrounded by corruption. Uncertain as to how to remain with a certainty that life,
and its goodness was something worth preserving.
People would come to me in my early teens claiming a simple proposition that I accept Jesus Christ as my savior and then they would walk away. Me being poor and young, the
idea of salvation struck me kind of hard.
When I was young I was told about the the devil but not about the way Jesus lived.
Even though at the time saying how the greatest trick the devil ever played on the world was to make it believe it didn't exist.
I know now that it does. Its followers which have exposed themselves with conitnous lies. Its only obvious that they would act like their father.
As I've made my attempt to change my life for better. Evil has always been their to tempt me. Its servants have exclaimed that its simply
a freedom of expression and even consider Christianity and the Bible to have created the idea of a devil but it is not so.

The Bible teaches that the common and rich alike trample and destroy family lives and the poor for money and wealth.
I'm afraid to say that many are victims of such actions through out the world and have been.
Its also been said that we are in the end times. This is correct, if you think of it, why wouldn't we be. I enjoy the comfort that I have as it may change soon.
The details of my story are not as important as what I have to say about the importance of the Bible

here are the following things that are true about the Bible that are to be known and understood

Evil people can and do use the Bible

a real christian will not present esoteric, demonic, or magic symbols to its audience. To speak on the subject is one thing but to show us symbols of the very real enemy that lurks within the congregation and makes for the corruption and usery of people.

The Bible uses two terms to refer to let us know who is a servant by letting us know who is not - wicked, those who refuse to acknowledge God and hate light and good.
and are double minded. Careful not to find yourself as one of these.

God honors those that honors him but within the circle of thieves and sinners that don't repent they look for the weak to rob them of their lives

Many have been lead away from god by the notion that they can believe whatever they want and not acknowledge what we all understand and are born with
the ability to choose right from wrong and by experience see what is good and bad.
Experimentation, seems to be appreciated today but me being one of many that have traversed and thought that life was about experimentation. it leads to death.

Its understood that the Bibles idealogy doesn't change and it doesn't borrow from other sources as many today attempt to integrate. It strictly detests the idea of mixing other beliefs with it. Other people will tell you that we are creators. That we ourselves created our selves. A million other truths of illusion besides the one and only truth of the reality of good and evil.

The differece is that good doesn't change. Evil continously changes. Always changing opinion. always forming a different view to cover its tracks.

The difference between someone honest and a liar.

Someone who sells something that is genuine and someone who sells a counterfeit that is void of any real value but takes your money that is.

Why am I saying these things. How do I make the claim that I know the Bible to be such an authority that allows for someone to come to the notion of a repentance, a reason to leave a life that has left a person without hope, seeing the world for what it is, and realizing that when one has made the mistakes that leads to the road of damnation, condemnation, what is known as hell, a place that is real to me, you find that life doesn't make it easy to turn back. As a matter of fact the deeper you are in your ways the more you find that trying to get out, no one is your friend. Once a drug user, or person who parties stop doing so he finds he has no friend.
His troubles become very real, and if noticed carefully time and time again the same thing is always present. People take interest by there own temptation, selfishness, potential for gain, and make the attempt to take advantage of the person who is changing their life for the better.

When one leaves their life of sin, a word that none believers find offensive. One can find themselves dealing with evil that is very real.

For a moment I will give my personal account of what it was like for me to leave my wreckless life of sin.
I decided the best way to rid my life of difficulties that I was dealing with was to fully accept a christian life and follow it thoroughly.
The first month, it was fine. I was uneasy but did not know how my life and the little seeming stability could unravel so easily. I tried moving with a friend who was christian but it had turned out that he was only using me. His knowledgable and his older neigbor
took the opportunity to take out his racially inclined hate on me due to him being much older and having been in a harsher racial climate in the 60's and 70's during
his youth in Georgia. My state of recovery and weakness as it was searching for a place to consider safe for what I thought was a christian home with people I thought were christian
lead down the trail of tribulation. The rest of the details are not as important but I had many difficulties to say the least. Seemingly when the idea of a person who has fallen attempts to get back up it initially upsets other peoples ego's.

"The wicked only sleep when they have made someone stumble"

I experienced general mistreatement everywhere I went, and my supposed christian friend wasn't so ready to let me go. He wanted to take advantage of me.
I had moved in, so we can strengthen together in faith and wisdom, and possibly work together but as much as he knew about the Bible, he was not acting in good faith,
nor good intent, my sin and shame had reflected his actions, and he had admitted them to me in the form of compulsive lie. So he began rumors, or atleast I can assume.
He kept the money, made the living situation unlivable so I moved back to my apartment and my neigbors laughed at me. By the end of the apartment contract, he had broken into my apartment and stolen from me and I heard from other neighbors that he had done the same. He was one of managements maintenance crew.

"wolves in sheeps clothing"

Why bring the fight to your enemies when you can just use the book of the one true God
To pray for your enemies, to love others as you would love yourself, and know the difference between what the world would have you believe and the truth.

The Bible has many dividing moral lines that almost condradict one another from one book to another but these when put into a daily practice is a real spiritual discipline. Like humbling oneself infront of an enemy. To know your enemy and still depend on the Lord when it would seem that one should take something into their own hands or the council of men instead of looking to see what the Bible says about it.
What one should do though is defend themselves, and justice. But its also important to honor that justice with one's life.

"We fight not against flesh and blood but spirits and principalities in high places"

This is something to truly understand why the Bible asks us to humble ourselves. Because God can, like a good shepard, call out his flock or a farmer
know the wheat from the tares, but we being deaf, dumb, blind, and naked we cannot discern the forces that control us. If we make the attempt to be
in the persuit of control, or even use the Bible say to make the claim that we ourselves have authority over it and its word when infact it has authority over us.

Gods word is active and is not slow like some might consider slow

People who have chosen to practice magic as it has become common place in todays culture may try to convince that the Bible is mans work and that the miracles involved are works of magic. This is not so.

What does good have to do with works of evil


It should be well understood that evil is what much of man has chosen and so it has become man's dwelling place. Corruption is the result
of the world around us and has become common place. We can't see it because most people don't choose to see it, or are the ones perpetrating it. Besides most only searching for comfort, but not realizing that is the problem.

Because you are nor hot or cold I will spit you out of my mouth.

Creating the poor and fighting justice and calling it justice. bad is good, good is bad. These things have been said before.

Even the common persecute the poor

The reality of the Bible is that they are recorded accounts of ancient history that held both historical significance that shaped the rest of our
history including today. Recorded accounts of things that affected both the political, and geographic climate in profetic ways due to the supernatural nature of our world, peoples decisions to live rebellious lives, choose other gods that destroyed the sovereinty of Gods protection for those people and nations, etc.

I'll continue on my discussion on this topic in another post.

For now I pray that the world may change for better without the usery of people as it says in the Bible.

The rich destrorying families and lives for money. The solicitation of souls as mentioned in revelations.

Pray for me true christians and know that there are many wolves in sheep clothing in the congregation, that is why we are warned about it in the first place.

I won't mention any names or my personal living situation as we can discern for ourselves what is happening by using the wisdom that was given to us by blessed profits of the Bible

A Few more things to be aware is there will be no sign for this wicked generation so that means that its all been yes, hocus pocus.
This will not go well as people become consumed by the continuing darkening of this world. I'm not sure where but someone who turned out
to be of the congregation of satan and kept lying to me as I try to steady my feet in the Lord.

He told me this, that selfishness is a cancer amongst the earth. So it doesn't take much to see that the common will have its difficulties
with temptation as it closes itself in on all of us in the world that is changing for worse.

Everyone who is showbiz, and most other avenues of business you can discern by their own quote of the most famous band in the world, the beatles

"For worse and not for better"

I'll be praying and reading the Bible.

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