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Reality Check

Before leaping to conclusions about salvation, one needs to focus on the fact Jesus' only Gospel and teachings were on the Kingdom, as not only plainly stated in 70+ scriptures but alluded to in all of His teachings, parables. His actions (which 'saved' us) revolved around the same. His message simply boiled down to the good news that God would eventually defeat the adversarial ways of mankind and elohim alike, ushering in a new age within creation, His Kingdom come. In other words, man would no longer be able to lord themselves over fellow man, even those pretending they have both secular and religious permission to do so. Good news for the oppressed, bad news for man made authourity and those who support them. You may recall both Empire and Sanhedrin were once offended by such thinking and took action, as would both secular and religious authorities today fearing loss of power and profit.

Repentance of the backwards ways of man was taught (changing our attitude), along with a way of life in line with the Kingdom of God. All we had to do was switch allegiances from man's will to God's (commandment 1) and live accordingly (commandment 2) and God would take care of the rest as He completes His plan. Believing in Jesus is simply believing in the will of God and rejecting the traditional self serving ways of this world which we have made in our own image. Transcend the flesh (our perceived selves) and its influences, both secular and religious, and reconnect with God in the spirit, our true selves. Learn to be who we were meant to be rather than what rebellious man and elohim alike expects of us.

© ...timothyu

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