Psychic Wounds Are Invisible To The Casual Observer


Psychic wounds are invisible to the casual observer

The cost of war is high. During the time that our men and women are fighting, there is concern, worry, and support for them. What is very common, however, is, that after these same men and women are released from active duty they are often forgotten.

Psychic wounds are invisible to the casual observer, and many of our veterans carry a heavy burden of pain. I see many of them when I take my brother to the VA for his appointments. My brother, as well, has been affected by his experiences in the military.

Wars end, but for the men and women who bring home deep emotional wounds, the war never really ends. We are complex creatures and anyone of us can suffer from what is now called PTSD. When we do harm to another, whether it is during the common events in lives that are traumatic, or in the evil of war, the fruit of such events is heartbreaking for both the victim,as well as the family and friends.

Chronic conditions like PTSD can be little understood, and what these people go through can be belittled by some. Even with support from friends, and from the VA and other organizations, it is not always enough.
The price of war is very high. The toll in human suffering is enormous. The weight of suffering is also high in the way that we can treat each other on a daily basis, leaving wounds just as deep and life-threatening as what our veterans went through, and relive in their thoughts and dreams.

There is a great deal of compassion in people, but it often comes out when faced with obvious pain, suffering, and the isolation that flows from that. Perhaps we need to learn to mindfully bring forth compassion for those for whom their suffering is less noticeable but just as lethal.

As Christians, we are called to seek to be other Christ in the world. We can learn from reading of the Scriptures how Jesus actually dealt with others and saw them each as human beings without the need to lay on stereotypes that dehumanize.

I found out today, that a young man, who was a marine, for whom I came to care for, and yes worry about, committed suicide. He was a brilliant human being, and I have no doubt he has left behind many, of whom would be his confreres in the military, deeply saddened. I know that I am.-Br.MD

#1 Mark Dohle, A moment ago

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Mark Dohle
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