Liar Liar

As we all know, if we read the bible that is, that Satan is the father of lies. What that means is that lies always come from Satan, never from God. That is why unbelievers have such a difficult time accepting the truth. They are hardwired to believe that lies are the truth and the truth is lies.

One only has to see what is happening in society today as governments are making law that is based on lies. One classic example is the Australian government legalising same-sex marriage based on the lie that the majority voted for it.

The fact is, the majority of Australians did not vote for it. The truth is, the majority of Australians who voted were in favour of it. The number of those who voted for it as a percentage of all Australians was only 48% as all Australians did not vote.

If the government wanted the majority of Australians to vote for it before they legislated, then they should have rejected it. The fact that the majority of Australians voted for it was a lie didn't seem to bother them.

There is a saying "know your enemy" and in the case of Satan, that is what we need to do. I was a bit green when I started to address cultural issues, having very little skills but as time went on, I started to pick up on the modus operandi of the enemy and I will share it with you.

Because Satan is the father of lies it means he is incapable of telling the truth so when a homosexual, motivated by Satan says that you are born homosexual, you know that is a lie and the truth is the opposite. You are not born homosexual.

If a feminist says that the baby in the womb is not a baby it is a blob of cells, you know that is a lie and the truth is the opposite. You don't even have to work out what the truth is. All you have to do is take the opposite view to the lie.

Once you have discovered that, all you have to do then is keep repeating the truth. When some feminist claims the baby in the womb is a blob of cells, respond with the truth by saying "The fact is what is in the womb is a baby."

They will try and draw you into all sorts of convoluted arguments but the important thing is to argue on your grounds, not theirs. That is called framing the issue. Saying "The fact is..." is framing the issue because they have to refute the facts with evidence which they do not have.

If you ask the question, when does it become a baby, the feathers will fly because you will get all sorts of answers. In other words, they don't know. All they have to argue with is the lie that it is not a baby.

The sad thing is that if you repeat a lie enough times it becomes the truth. That is why it is so important to keep repeating the truth and not give credence to the lies of the devil.

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