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Inmates Don't Carry Keys

What Jesus started was a movement, not a religion, and movements kind of lead themselves once they get going. Human institutions such as religions require leaders but this movement was not human, but the good news of the Kingdom of God which was itself a counter-culture to the ways of humans, God's will over the will of man. It hardly makes sense making an outside concept into yet another human institution any more than it makes sense to try and solve the troublesome ways of mankind using the same ways of mankind that started the trouble in the first place. But I guess this is how the Adversary maintains control for now, while we say lord lord instead of Thy Kingdom come, Thy will (not ours) be done in earth. Just because mankind says something official regarding this matter, doesn't make it so. Truth comes from only the Father, the key to the Kingdom. All the rest is human interference.

© ...timothyu

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