First, i apologize for not quoting scripture on this one right now as it contains quite a bit in regards to our journeys, and i took it from a very recent post on morality, but you can find a good deal of this in the book of Romans, Galatians, and Genesis. In some ways it may be better to just name the books as it is in context, but it is sprinkled through out the bible too. I see much benefit in it. May the Lord confirm his Word in all our lives as He sees fit.
Here we go...
Morality is a factor of the conscience and what shapes it.
God did not create man to live by a moral code shaped by the knowledge of good and evil. Partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is forbidden fruit for it brings death instead of life.
Because at its root is going at life without God; declaring our independence from God and becoming our own gods. It is a life rooted in self and bears fruits unto death-hate, envy, strife, etc.
Fruits from the tree of life is a life rooted in Christ that brings union with Father God and bears fruits unto life-love, peace, patience, etc.
We were never created to live out of a moral code through the conscience, but a very different source, a Spiritual source, God's Spirit who embodies love.
But God's Spirit is still working, holding back evil from fully coming to fruition while He restores his creation back to Himself.
No one was seeking Him, so God chose a people to show his glory through and draw others to Him ( still in process).
The law was given to these people, as a temporary addition, not to redeem them, but to work with man's choice of an awakened conscience and show them that of themselves and their choice to go at it without Him is failure. The law, with its ineffectiveness against the carnal nature (natural life tainted by sin), cannot attain Godliness. That embodies the essence / Spirit of God where no evil exists.
The law actually empowers the sin nature. Not hard to test. Ever told to give up something that wasn't good for you but your desire for it overcame what you knew, like quit smoking, or overeating, or drinking too much. Not only that, but the more you dwelt on "don't", the more you found your desire for it growing. That is the law at work. What you need is something you desire more than the thing that can kill you
In looking to redeem man from sin, the law was introduced to be as a temporary guide until Christ came to supernaturally divorce us from the law by supernatural death with Christ. A believer is then given his Spirit as a deposit into new life in Him.
It isn't a life of morality partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, but a life walking in his Spirit that drives us by his love. It is not a conscience effort, but a Spiritual journey into being perfected in his love.
Our destiny was always to be like God. Not that we are the Almighty, but as children embodied by his Spirit, and Jesus is our forerunner who made the way for that to be possible through reconciliation with God via supernatural death with Him; that is death to our old carnal nature and we are given a rebirth embodied with his nature by his Spirit.
This is not attained by ourselves and going at it apart from God, but in reliance and communion with Him, joined to Him and his love.
So if the premise of this thread is that conscience is subjective to man's interpretation, or something to that affect, then i see no contradiction to scripture.
This is also the reason some believers are not experiencing life in the Spirit, because they continue to partake of the wrong tree and its fruit. Instead of experiencing life in the Spirit and the fruits therein, they experience death from the self life partaking of the knowledge of good and evil.
Here we go...
Morality is a factor of the conscience and what shapes it.
God did not create man to live by a moral code shaped by the knowledge of good and evil. Partaking of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is forbidden fruit for it brings death instead of life.
Because at its root is going at life without God; declaring our independence from God and becoming our own gods. It is a life rooted in self and bears fruits unto death-hate, envy, strife, etc.
Fruits from the tree of life is a life rooted in Christ that brings union with Father God and bears fruits unto life-love, peace, patience, etc.
We were never created to live out of a moral code through the conscience, but a very different source, a Spiritual source, God's Spirit who embodies love.
But God's Spirit is still working, holding back evil from fully coming to fruition while He restores his creation back to Himself.
No one was seeking Him, so God chose a people to show his glory through and draw others to Him ( still in process).
The law was given to these people, as a temporary addition, not to redeem them, but to work with man's choice of an awakened conscience and show them that of themselves and their choice to go at it without Him is failure. The law, with its ineffectiveness against the carnal nature (natural life tainted by sin), cannot attain Godliness. That embodies the essence / Spirit of God where no evil exists.
The law actually empowers the sin nature. Not hard to test. Ever told to give up something that wasn't good for you but your desire for it overcame what you knew, like quit smoking, or overeating, or drinking too much. Not only that, but the more you dwelt on "don't", the more you found your desire for it growing. That is the law at work. What you need is something you desire more than the thing that can kill you
In looking to redeem man from sin, the law was introduced to be as a temporary guide until Christ came to supernaturally divorce us from the law by supernatural death with Christ. A believer is then given his Spirit as a deposit into new life in Him.
It isn't a life of morality partaking of the knowledge of good and evil, but a life walking in his Spirit that drives us by his love. It is not a conscience effort, but a Spiritual journey into being perfected in his love.
Our destiny was always to be like God. Not that we are the Almighty, but as children embodied by his Spirit, and Jesus is our forerunner who made the way for that to be possible through reconciliation with God via supernatural death with Him; that is death to our old carnal nature and we are given a rebirth embodied with his nature by his Spirit.
This is not attained by ourselves and going at it apart from God, but in reliance and communion with Him, joined to Him and his love.
So if the premise of this thread is that conscience is subjective to man's interpretation, or something to that affect, then i see no contradiction to scripture.
This is also the reason some believers are not experiencing life in the Spirit, because they continue to partake of the wrong tree and its fruit. Instead of experiencing life in the Spirit and the fruits therein, they experience death from the self life partaking of the knowledge of good and evil.