For Single Christians That Need Some Advice

If you find yourself wallowing in your singleness, here are a few suggestions:
Pray and thank the Lord for His constant goodness and faithfulness in your life.
Hold tight to His promise that He knows what is right for us and knows the perfect timing for everything (Job 38 and Habakkuk 3:17-19).
Know and understand that marriage is not something we are promised and it’s most certainly something we don’t deserve. Falling in love, getting married, struggling and laughing through life together, raising kids, and growing old with the love of your life is not something the Lord promises in His Word. It is a precious gift He blesses people with according to His perfect plan.
Remember that singleness is not a curse and it’s not something that is in need of fixing.
We are single right now in this moment because God wants us to be.
Singleness should not be viewed as a curse or an indication that there is “something wrong” with the single man or woman. While most people marry, and while the Bible seems to indicate that it is God’s will for most people to marry, a single Christian is in no sense a “second class” Christian. As 1 Corinthians 7 indicates, singleness is, if anything, a higher calling. As with everything else in life, we should ask God for wisdom (James 1:5) concerning marriage. Following God’s plan, whether that be marriage or singleness, will result in the productivity and joy that God desires for us.
Marrying is not a sin. Staying single is not a sin. God wants His people to live a life devoted to Him, regardless of marital status. Both marriage and singleness have advantages and disadvantages. Marriage is a gift and is highly lauded in the Bible. Marriage is the foundational family unit, a beautiful depiction of Christ and the church, the only appropriate venue for sexual activity, the means of procreation, and intended as a life-giving and encouraging partnership (Genesis 2:24; Ephesians 5:22–33; Hebrews 13:4). It involves great joy as well as great pain and sacrifice.
Singleness is also a gift; it is not a lesser status. Staying single does not imply that there is something wrong with the unmarried person or that he or she is somehow incomplete. In fact, if anything, the Bible seems to speak of singleness as a high calling. There can be great focus, freedom, and joy in being single. There can also be isolation and deep longing. Neither marriage nor singleness will shield a person from the hardships of life. Neither is a superior status or somehow more holy or Christian than the other. Again, the important thing for all is honoring God, which can be done married or single.

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