Following The Sun

There is a dual nature in man. Thus, there is a dual nature in Christianity. There will always be those who wish to oppress and those who wish to set free.

Consider that for roughly a tad less than 1700 years, man has followed the dictates of the Gentile church using basic rules that man has prioritized over those of scripture.
The same rules that man had followed for thousands of years before that to establish power and empires, man's hierarchical rules. Same rules, same purpose when in the hands of oppressors... to keep us worldly and in line, the weak weak, the strong strong.

From the self determination of Eve, we reverted to animal behaviour, not instinctual, but self determined survival of the fittest with each other, justifying gain at others expense. Rules were created that we have been too scared to abandon since, just as we see with some primitive people who follow tribal law, "What always has been must always be". The same cry of those who control man through religion. Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness.

BUT God comes along and says we can reject those rules of our own making which serve power and oppression, following instead His of servitude and justice. He sends His Son to teach HIS Gospel built around those ideals, not the gospel we use today that allows us to have it both ways. As a result for a short period of time many people see and follow the new way.

But of course the world calls them outlaws and condemns and kills them. The world says they were dangerous to what has always been man's way, the establishment. The world overtakes the movement and turns it back into a tool that can be used to support the old ways of control instead of threaten it. If you can't beat it, join it and modify it.

Irony. For 1700 years Christians have been following these same old ways that the religion was turned back into. Afraid to set themselves free and follow the freedom God offered that the religion was supposedly built upon, but which ultimately was declared heretical. What always has been must always be is the cry, falsely using a line from Rev. out of context to support it's stance of no change. The Gentile authority must stand. For a thousand years the layman was kept from reading the scriptures that would have freed them from worldly bondage. By then tradition had become rule.

They were/are no different than those in the secular world afraid to let go of primitive rules, regulations that have always worked to keep the powerful powerful and the weak under subjection. Yet there is fear that goes through people's minds when what has been seen as security for thousands of years, giving them a false sense of control or safety, MUST be rejected, with trust handed over to God.

And you wonder why the worldly are so against the Gospel of the Kingdom? Because the self serving Gentile church tells you this is how it has always been (neglecting the time in between Jesus and their rule). They claim the devil will get you as for being rebellious to the rules of man and leaving the old ways. Reality is he'll get you if you don't. These rules have always been the ways of the adversary, the ways of man.

We need God's ways and the anti-establishment Gospel of the Kingdom. It seems to me the only thing stopping you from taking the narrow path is yourself.

Matthew:15: 7-9 These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men

© ...timothyu

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