Discernment Of Those Who Would Lead / Follow

It seems to me in surveying Christianity as a whole, let alone the rest of the world, that the majority of people prefer theological beliefs that suit their personal worldly outlook or situation. This, rather than adapting themselves to fit into the teachings of Jesus.

Consider a nation that started out with less than ten faiths within Christianity which now number in the thousands. All cannot proclaim themselves the centre of the Christian universe, yet most do. If they have adapted to the teachings of Jesus, then why the discrepancy?

This becomes more evident at a time of national elections where religion becomes even more tainted by the politics of worldly institutions. Institutions that are clearly anti-Christ in nature by the very presence of humans who dictate what is good or evil and seek gain at the expense of others, yet suddenly claim to be a Christian's friend to garner their vote; and the Christians fall for it, not understanding the be in the world, not of it concept.

There is no party of the Kingdom or of Jesus, parties repentant of the ways of mankind. Jesus commanded us to live among but in ways separate from the traditional ways of mankind. His followers did not rebel or call down the reigning traditional institutions of man. Each to their own, hoping the gesture would be returned.

Yet those institutions for 2000 years have continually attacked the messengers of the separation between world and Kingdom in true worldly style, while claiming it is they whom are under attack. How naive the world is to follow these leaders born of self interest and worldly ambition.

How many defenders of these institutions simply repent of the ways of man, change their way of living, put God's will before our own, love all neighbours as self, and promote the Gospel of the Kingdom, all as Jesus commanded?

How many instead, combine what they want to believe of Christianity with their worldly loyalties? How many, rather than change to suit the will of God, make God over in their own image... all the while calling those who point out the hypocrisy as being the ones who are lost and a sorry lot?

© ...timothyu

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