Corporate Farming

Jesus said to cast seeds. They will fall where they may, good soil and bad soil. Each will find their own set of conditions to struggle with. It is not up to the sower to determine how those seeds grow. That is not our job, for in doing so we contaminate the outcome with our own weed gene of worldly influence. Only God gets to determine how the Gospel of the Kingdom grows within those who hear it. The Gospel of the Kingdom runs contrary to the world man has built in our own image. They are His seeds, we are only the sowers.

Nowhere did Jesus say, nor would He dare say, that man should do God's job, usurping His will. The whole concept of the Gospel of the Kingdom was that His will be done, not man's will or by man's interpretation. God, not man, determines how we shall live. To do otherwise is to rebel against the Kingdom/governance of God.

People say we are to be like Jesus. Ok. Jesus did nothing of His own will but followed only the will of the Father. That's what the Gospel of the Kingdom was all about. God's governance (not man's) is the supreme authourity. Sin is simply putting our will before the will of God (as Eve did in the Garden). That self interest and self determination/justification of what is right and wrong that we often use, leads to all sorts of indiscretions against fellow man which we have labelled as individual sins (further confusing the original sin).

When we sin on a national or local level beyond our personal deeds, it is often in following the governance of man. A governance that is most often not in compliance with the governance/Kingdom/will of God. It is often contrary to being in accord with the word of God, preferring the interpretations and self justifications of man. In others words, following those who do not love all as self.

We cast seeds and they fall where they may. The only plant we are expected to tend is our own. We can support fellow plants in the wind but we are not to interfere with their growth or we end up with countless hybrids as we see within Christianity. We have no authourity over anyone but ourselves, and can change no one but ourselves. Leave the brainwashing to politicians and advertisers, that is to say, the governance of man. Leave them and those fringe minorities that demand the world change to suit their will, to fall victim to their own folly.

Being supportive of others who follow the Gospel of the Kingdom does not mean directing them to grow in our own image. Rather, in the same way the HS was sent by Jesus to do for His followers, guide each other who are on the narrow path that we already know, to stay within it lest the weeds of mankind steal us away or smother us into submission.

© ...timothyu

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