
Emily sighed and sat down near John. "So uh, what exactly is this place?" she asked.

The Aussie gave her a confused look "What? Ya came 'ere without knowin'?"

The girl nodded "Erik said you're getting ready for war but that was about it. Why is a war necessary?" she asked.

"It's not a matter of why's it gotta 'appen but when. Humans ain't ever gonna understand us. A few will, but most of 'em are stubborn as mules. They watch movies 'bout super'eros but when it comes ta real life they run and hide." He said.

Emily nodded, shoving her hands in her hoodie pocket. "What about people like my dad? He was fighting mom when they discovered I had a power cause he didn't want to get rid of me." she asked.

John shrugged flicking his lighter shut "Don't see 'ow it matters. 'E can either get out of our way or die. Magneto's gonna clean up the world, starting here."

"So basically it's join him or die?" Emily asked.

John nodded "Sounds 'bout right."

She ran her fingers over the photo of her and her cousin in her pocket. "What about little kids? The ones who're too young to decide on liking mutants or not?"

"It's join us 'r die sheila. No exceptions." John said, glancing at the door when it opened.

A boy, maybe a year older than Emily walked in. He had curly brown hair that needed a trim. He waved at Pitor then walked over to John and Emily. "I'm Cody." he said, introducing himself to Emily.

She smiled and said "I'm Emily."

Cody sat down next to John, "So what's your story?" he asked casually.

"Not that interesting. I got mad at my mom, eyes turned green and I blew something up. She hates me, so I ran away. I'm just lucky Erik found me." Emily said, briefly explaining what had happened.

Cody nodded. "Do you know how many times I've heard that story? Humans hate us, my parents didn't but that doesn't matter now. I'm here and this is where I'll be for probably the rest of my life." he said twisting a ring on his finger.

Emily wanted to ask if his parents were dead but thought better of it. Instead she looked at the ring and asked "Where'd you get that?"

He pulled it off and handed it to her. It was a black ring with silver edges. "My friend Carri got it when she went on vacation. It was the last thing she gave me before she died of cancer. It's the only thing I have of my life before all this." he explained.

Emily nodded and handed it back "All I've got left is clothes and this photo." she said, pulling the photo out of her pocket.

Cody looked at it "Who's the little girl?" he asked.

"My cousin Julian." Emily responded.

John looked over Cody's shoulder at the picture. "She's why you were askin' 'bout little kids who ain't got a opionon of mutants ain't she?" Emily nodded in response. "I reckon it'll depend on who finds 'er. Mags normally lets the little ones go but not everyone is that nice."

Emily nodded and took the picture back. "Well she's his niece so I hope he doesn't let her get hurt."

Cody looked at Emily "She's his niece? So are you related to him?"

Emily shook her head "No, her mother and mine were sisters and her dad and Erik are brothers. I have no relation to him." There was a moment of silence before Emily asked "Someone wanna go get something to eat with me? Erik said there was a kitchen but I don't know where it is."

Cody smiled and stood up "Come on, I'll show you."

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