Christmas Eve 2020 (the Incarnation ( A Word From God)


Christmas Eve 2020
(The Incarnation ( Is A Word From God)

I am not sure that I could ever come up with the idea that God is love. Why would I? Or believe that God knows my name! That is impossible, I am one among billions. Or that I even have something called a soul, that is not snuffed out at death.

Yet God has revealed His nature, in the life of one man, whom many love, died for, and yes, live out their lives serving.

“What is man Lord that you are mindful of him (Ps 8:4)?”

What am I?

Well, I am a whole lot of inner chaos. There is anger, fear, anxiety, love, joy, sorrow, pain, and pleasure. Thoughts can race, and there is perhaps the danger of being swallowed up by it all, and never seeking what is beneath all the inner fragmentation. Just running on automatic until I run out of gas.

Beneath all that cacophony is a place, or perhaps a non-place, where my mind dwells observing, and when I discover this, I can begin to listen to the inner silence.

What do I hear?

Voices from the past with all their messages or closer to the surface, below that, dwells the first room available to us, to discover a presence, other, different, infinite, yet unknowable for the finite mind to even begin to understand.

The Incarnation, is a Word from God, the Word, existing from eternity. It reveals that this deep mystery of God is in actuality ‘Love’; and that this Word, brings to us the understanding of the word “Abba”.

Our deepest longing is presented to us when God is revealed as “Abba”. That our fulfillment is in this reality, our homeland, and that this Infinite Mind, revealed by the Word as Abba, pursues us!

So on this Christmas Eve, may we all come to a deeper understanding of the Love which seeks us out, that there is no need to fear, but all we need do is to say “Abba Father”.—BrMD

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Mark Dohle
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2 min read
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