
POWERTALK PRINCIPLES FROM.THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS: THE PRINCIPLE OF REVELATION Click here to read full blog post, PRINCIPLES FROM THE PRAYER LIFE OF JESUS: PRINCIPLE OF REVELATION We continue our discourse on the prayer life of Jesus. Luke 3:21-22 says, |||| When all the people were being...
Peter Adeshina Babalola
4 min read
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Think about all of which that technology seeks to achieve with its new offerings and never-ending streams of innovations delivered in every facet of our lives! it's all about making lives better by offering products that get things done either easily or faster. Indeed speed is what defines...
The word of God moved into the neighborhood and begin to impact the world. This was what we saw in John 2 as Jesus began to manifest his divinity and authority through many signs and wonders, the first of which was the turning of water into wine. However, that miracle was a product of...
When you open the word it is information but when the word opens to you it is a revelation. This is when the written word becomes the sent word, it is when the general word became a personal word and as they will say in the charismatic setting it is when the logos of the word became Rhema...
One of the highlights of the first installment of this series, amidst many others, is the commentary I made about the passage of scripture in 2 Timothy 2:15 where Paul asserted that only the man studious in the word would be approved by God. From that statement, I posited in my own words that...
One of the scriptures that have guided my approach to the word of God over the years is the one found in 2 Timothy2:15, where Paul enjoined his young disciple, and by extension believers today to "study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing...
The vaccine controversies rage around the world with many people having their say on the issue. A popular cleric in Nigeria has urged Nigerians to take the vaccines. I read his statement whether he has any more insight different on the subject and I discovered it was just personal sentiments...
We are in dangerous times and dangerous times call for dangerous faith for we can only conquer evil at the level at which it confronts us. The degree, the intensity at which evil is unleashed is also the level at which it must be repelled. The Bible says when the "enemy shall come in like a...
We are in perilous times and a friend of mine expounded on the truth that perilous times will be before the time described in history as the period of tribulation and great tribulation. From scriptures, I want to believe these two periods of tribulation is the period just after the rapture of...
God right from time has always had in place a covenant of exemption for His people who dare to believe in Him and take a stand on his word. This is why the three Hebrew boys could be thrown inside the fire and yet did not felt the burning effect of the fire! With a covenant mentality, we can...
A word in season is a word that speaks to the season. And that is what God has been tugging at my heart to do with my blog posts for this year, to write seasonally more than 'sermonally', this is why in the past year almost all of the blogpost addressed the raging issues of the day, covid 19 and...
Jesus is the reason for this season, Christ is at the center of "Christ-mas", but the tragedy of this season is that we ignore the celebrant and focus on the celebration! This is the Lord's birthday, the purpose of this celebration is CHRIST. Imagine a birthday where people walk into the...
The real Christmas story is that God sent his Son to the world so that we might not perish but have everlasting life! This is what no one can contest, that "the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and...
The most powerful scriptures on Christmas you will find in the Bible are not just those that describe the birth of the King of kings step by step of the way nor are they the ones that tell us how the shepherds or the wise men brought gifts for the little one born in a manger. These scriptures...
Politics. Policies. Prosperity. Three important things we cannot ignore. Politics determines the policies, and the policies determine the prosperity of the people! This is why in the book of proverbs the wise man said that when the righteous come into government and power the people rejoice. The...
will start today's article on the note on which it ended: it's spiritual mediocrity to make excuse for our lack of faith even in times of crisis. For David said, "when my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I"! It is during the storms of life and crisis of life that we...
Peter Adeshina Babalola
4 min read
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What a year 2020 has been! It's a year that will never be forgotten in a hurry by billions all over the surface of the year. It's the year of the pandemic or plandemic, whatever is your take on the covid-19 crisis that has engulfed the world. Besides the economic woes and crises that this has...
Been in the same kingdom doesn't mean we will all have the same experience, beliefs, and results! No, this kingdom operates at different levels for everyone. It's why we have different revelations, result, manifestations, and demonstrations of the Spirit. It's the reason why there are different...
Our spiritual excuses, just like any other excuse, maybe legit but do not make our lives better! The only way to becoming better is to rise up to the standard of God's word. There is a standard that God defined for us in his word, our daily goal must be to attain to that standard, and no one...
The system of the world is governed by Satan. An understanding of this simple thought and revelation from the word will change your perspective of the world! For this is not an assertion that does not have it's backing in the word. I like to show that to you from scriptures because it's...

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Peter Adeshina Babalola
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