America With Great Blessings Comes Great Responsibilities

John Bowen
2 min read
Why is suicide on the rise today ? So many people are being effected by someone they know or family member that have killed themselves . Its even accepted by some groups in society as condoned ? Well the light of God is pouring in right now at this time of the Second Coming this new 2000...
John Bowen
2 min read
From my studies 666 is 999 up side down the exact opposite . . Look up in the Bible how many times 9 is used because it is a divine number used by God . People know that satanists read from the Bible backwards so 666 is just the 999 backwards . When people sin they can create a beast if enough...
John Bowen
2 min read
We all have grown up with the media creating idols of celebrities , sports people,actors etc . Why did the Bible teach people not too ? Because a idol gives people a excuse not to look at themselves and come up higher. No where is this more apparent than the office of the president of the...
John Bowen
3 min read
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If you go back in history there has always been a power elite over the people , kings , queens , emperors , dictators, politicians , religious authorities .They think they are better than the people and the people are only there to serve them keeping them in a life style of privileges . In...
John Bowen
2 min read
I was just like most people when we think of Jesus Christ we just focus on his birth Christmas and his death Easter . At one time years ago I was going through some issues and I wanted some answers .So I typed in what would Jesus say about that ? And through the marvel of the Internet it...
John Bowen
2 min read
I see so many posts where people have problems in their marriages and young people wanting to have physical relationships .Here is what I wish someone told me about sex .Everything is energy as Einstein proved no greater exchange of energy is when two people come together in the act of sex and...
John Bowen
2 min read
Rock music is discordant music it is out of the flow of nature . God said " Let there be Light ! " through sound is how the universe was created . Nature itself has a built in rhythm which is 4/4 , 3/4 , 6/8 . 12/8 and so on . The human heart beats follow 3/4 rhythm so imagine what it does to...
John Bowen
2 min read
Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas as he is also called was a real historical person . As a child he loved reading the scriptures .He came from a wealthy family and his parents died when he was young. At times he would sneak out at night and help others in secret . One account is told that he...
John Bowen
3 min read
What is the ego exactly and where did it come from ? When mankind fell into duality as shown in the story of Adam and Eve " If you partake of this fruit you will be as a god knowing good and evil " which separates us from God and all others our souls couldn't bare being alone from The...
John Bowen
3 min read
The greatest lie ever put on humanity is that you are ever separated from God it is impossible everything is God . The only place we can be separated from God is in our minds because God respects our freewill he allows this for a time . So many people have been taught God is far away from where...
John Bowen
3 min read
For so many people out there their life is sense of lack . sickness, depression and they know deep within them it shouldn't be this way and they don't know why that is ? When Jesus Christ said , ' It is the Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom " Do you think there is any lack ...
John Bowen
2 min read
You ever wonder why some children are born perfectly healthy and other children are born disabled and have very short lives that a loving Creator would only give them one life ? To a lot of people it seems so unfair unless you know reincarnation is real. Why do we no longer understand the...
John Bowen
2 min read
Genesis 1:31 " God created man and saw that it was good " So where did idea that man is created flawed come from .This limited belief came from Saint Augustine it was created so people would never question authority .It was created so when the leaders in society did something that was...
John Bowen
2 min read
Right now another record fire in California record destruction many people have lost their lives . People will blame this or that never taking responsibility for what happens .In the Book of Genesis : It states God created man to take dominion over the Earth .Thats a very profound statement...
John Bowen
2 min read
40 to 50 % of marriages in America end in divorce . Because now that both men and women work women are no longer dependent on men to survive. In past times the women had to depend on the man otherwise they would starve or be forced to sell themselves. Thats why in the Bible Jesus states...
John Bowen
2 min read
If you want to give your child a gift , that they want for their birthday what do you have to do ? You have to go into a store and purchase it. Once you do that then you can freely give it away to the child. Its the same with a disease or mental illness you have to "own it " first than...
John Bowen
2 min read
Definition of communism the state owns the means of production .Capitalism corporations own the means of production by creating monopolistic laws through the government . Capitalism is not free markets as you see in the news everyday where these mega corporations are taking over yet another...
John Bowen
2 min read
Who says we need political parties ? With just 2 parties running the government it' s very easy to corrupt our system .You have another election coming where it takes a million to run for congress , tens of millions to run for senate and one billion was spent to run for president in the last...
John Bowen
2 min read
Not since the days of the Civil War have Americans been so divided .Most people you can't even talk to if they are of the other party . What happened to civil discourse in conversation ? Because of the Internet people can speak out where they aren't face to face and because it allows people to...
John Bowen
1 min read
In the Bible it tells how the disciples tried to turn away the people cause they felt they didn't have enough food. And Jesus said no bring me what you have and he multiplied what they had and feed thousands . I sense this happened many more times than what was written in the Bible. Where...

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