Tony Blair Is The Anti-Christ - - The Evidence Is Overwhelming



While I don't presume to know who the Anti-Christ is I do believe that Tony Blair is an evil scheming conniving liar and this is because of things I have seen and read as well as things I've actually heard him say. He does advocate a one world religion. I have heard him say so. As for his joining the catholic church, that doesn't make him a true catholic or a true Christian. There are many wonderful Christian catholics but I'm simply not convinced that Blair is one of them. Now, none of this makes him any more of a candidate than say, Obama or most other world leaders. Personally I don' t see him being able to develop the kind of following the AC will need. However, only time will tell. We all interpret scripture in our own ways and we are all subject to error, so while I respect all of the views represented here I am simply here to say that I neither accept nor reject Blair as the beast. I have accepted Christ and that is the most important thing. I will be watching and waiting. God bless.
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could it be

Jul 24, 2008
"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph 6:12 (NIV).

If our true enemy are evil spirits who rebelled against the Lord, flesh and blood are mere vessels to them. They may use as vessels people who call themselves Christians, or Muslims, or Buddhists, or druids, or atheists, or whatever. They may use white, black, brown, European, Asian, or Micronesian. It is not flesh and blood that we fight against.

"[The beast] was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast. . ." Rev 13:7-8.

But if there was in fact a movement towards global governance (initially by trade unions, later through the centralization of courts and regulatory bodies), is this something we as Christians should care about? (See, for example, the research of Joan Veon). If there was evidence that this movement towards global governance was destructive (ex.: destroying the agricultural industries of countries that formerly had agricultural surpluses, causing hunger and famine), should we care? If there are disturbing occult themes tied in with this global governance movement? Ex.: Pravda (Russian media) recently had an article on dollar hegemony and the symbol of the all-seeing eye (eye of Ra) on the US one dollar bill. If it is announced in the mainstream media that a messianic figure has appeared on the scene who can lead us to global governance? Is it at least worth turning off the TV for 30 minutes a day to research it?
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Jan 3, 2009
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I will say that Tony Blair "becoming" Catholic sounds a little weird because Italy threatened to pull out of the EU about two years ago. So when did Blair's conversion to the RCC happen?

Oh never mind, I found it. Blair converted to Catholicism AFTER Italy threatened to leave the EU. Weird, nonetheless.
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Strong in Him

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Mar 4, 2005
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It's interesting that the site which was promoted in this thread, is now declaring Sarkozy to be the antichrist and Blair to be the false prophet who is helping him. It is also a fact that Blair was not appointed president of the EU at the end of last year/beginning of Jan.

Does that count as a false prophecy?

I'm not trying to stir up any kind of trouble here, but we were told a number of times that the evidence for Blair being the antichrist came from Scripture. So what now?
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charity crocheter
Feb 20, 2004
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It's interesting that the site which was promoted in this thread, is now declaring Sarkozy to be the antichrist and Blair to be the false prophet who is helping him. It is also a fact that Blair was not appointed president of the EU at the end of last year/beginning of Jan.

Does that count as a false prophecy?

I'm not trying to stir up any kind of trouble here, but we were told a number of times that the evidence for Blair being the antichrist came from Scripture. So what now?

Sounds like the old "here's the truth of it -- until a better truth comes along" song and dance. People get bored with the same old line, so they "update" it to keep people talking and getting more people to go to the site. Their "evidence" changes faster than a teenaged boy's sweat socks. Might be good for a giggle, but not the type of information site I take seriously.
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charity crocheter
Feb 20, 2004
East Tenn.
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A teenaged boy's sweat socks don't change very often, so that might be saying much, CelticFlower.

Seems to me that it'll be a bit hard for Blair to drum up much support for his anti-Christ ways if he's no longer PM.

The truth isn't supposed to change, but sites like the one in this thread change with the news cycle. I figured the socks was a decent mid-point.
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Strong in Him

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Mar 4, 2005
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A teenaged boy's sweat socks don't change very often, so that might be saying much, CelticFlower.

:sick: Urrgghh! I hope that was a joke?

Seems to me that it'll be a bit hard for Blair to drum up much support for his anti-Christ ways if he's no longer PM.

It wasn't always easy for him to drum up support when he was PM. I know he won 3 terms in office, but that was only because the opposition were even worse.
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Feb 7, 2009
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The antichrist will have all the answers and will appear to fill all the needs of the troubled world. He will be the world leader that everyone is looking for right now. If he came on the political scene as what he will morph into, no one would be deceived by him. We don't know who he will be, but to my knowledge, Tony Blair is the first person ever to have ALL of the characteristics spoken of in God's word
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Strong in Him

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Mar 4, 2005
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The antichrist will have all the answers and will appear to fill all the needs of the troubled world. He will be the world leader that everyone is looking for right now. If he came on the political scene as what he will morph into, no one would be deceived by him. We don't know who he will be, but to my knowledge, Tony Blair is the first person ever to have ALL of the characteristics spoken of in God's word

Really? He spoke at a prayer breakfast in America the other day. That must be a first; the antichrist speaking about prayer.

I've been thinking a little about this since this thread was first made. I don't understand how and why people have taken verses from Daniel and Revelation and are teaching that they mean certain things which is being fulfilled in a certain way in the world today. People have been doing this for years, maybe centuries, and have pointed to the antichrist being the Pope, or an American President, (and check out the threads on these forums which say that it is Obama.) Even Revelation77, who argued so strongly that Blair was the antichrist, is now saying on his own website that it's probably Sarkozy. Next month it will probably be someone else.

IS the antichrist going to be a political figure who will fulfill all the needs of the troubled world?
What is an an antichrist?

Scripture says that the antichrist is someone who denies both God and Christ. In fact, John says that anyone who does this is an antichrist and there have already been several of them in the world.
2 Thessalonians talks about "the man of lawlessness". It says that this man will set himself against God and all that God stands for, that he will declare himself to be God, and that he will be able to perform miracles to deceive people. Is the man of lawlessness the same as the antichrist?
Revelation 13, which has been often quoted in this thread, talks about two beasts and a dragon. It does not mention the word "antichrist". Is the dragon the same as the antichrist, or are we supposed to deduce that the antichrist is one of the beasts, even though it doesn't say so?
It seems to me that what we need is wisdom and some solid teaching about how to interpret the book of Revelation.

One last thing, if people really believe that the antichrist is one particular human being, why don't they kill him and do the whole world a favour? Tony Blair, Obama, Sarkozy and anyone else who is up for this dubious honour, are ONLY human beings. If you cut them, they would bleed. If you killed them they would not rise again (not in this world anyway). And no one worships them as God - they are real human beings with real faults.

I can't help feeling that somewhere along the line, we've got this "I'll spot the antichrist before you" stuff all wrong. We should be proclaiming God, his Gospel and his kingdom, and not giving Satan, the evil one or the powers of darkness so much attention.
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Liberal Anglican
Mar 1, 2008
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The antichrist, and what people are calling the antichrist, are two different things. The 'antichrist' is mentioned in the letters of John, specifically, and also in one of Paul's letters. This individual is imo. the Pope. What people are referring to as this political antichrist, is drawn from revelation 13, and also from Daniel, which imo. is mistaken. Daniel is an almost total historical document, except for chapter 12, which is about the end of time. Also the statue in the vision, is about the history of the world until the end of time, but it is mainly 70 weeks of years, the history of the israelites, until the arrival of Christ, and the destruction of the temple.
Revelation 13 is where the 'political antichrist' comes from..

11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived. 15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

All the way through this passage, the beast (which is symbolic of an empire, not an individual) is called 'He'. This 'he' isn't an individual, it is an empire, and that empire is the anglo-american empire, and that is what will impose the mark of the beast. The number of the man is the numerical values of the Pope, and that is also the number of the bar-code/one world currency, of the beast empire. A beast is not an individual, it is an empire, like Persia, Rome etc..
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A voice crying in the wilderness.
Dec 12, 2008
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He never has been a Christian and at this point in time is still not a Christian!

Are you one who is able to judge and see into peoples hearts because he asked when he first came into Parliment prayers and support. We as a group of Christians back in the late 90s wrote to him to give him our prayers etc and if I recall he was involved in a church to a degree.
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