This Gospel of the Kingdom


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Nov 23, 2015
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1. It was future in Jesus day because it wasn't present because they had to have the spiritual rule of God in their hearts and this is why they had to repent. (Matthew 4:17 and Matthew 5 with the Sermon on the Mount)Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. This was about repentance and being pure in heart will see God and being the meek to inherit the earth etc. are all about the future KoH reign on earth and Israel's specific earthly calling as head of the nations and not the church of today. The disciples understood this because they were still asking about it in Acts 1:6-7.

2. Matthew 24:14 tells about the gospel of the kingdom which will be at the end of the age before the 2nd coming of Christ when the jews are purged once again in the time of Jacob's trouble. Daniel 12:1, Zechariah 13:9 and Revelation 12:13-17.

3. Historically, the church started on the Day of Pentecost by people from Jesus ministry who were jews and under the law dispensation and the proselytes like from Rome who were proselyted into Judaism. Acts 2.

Jerry, the church are those who have believed in the righteousness of God by faith, which is the heart of the gospel:

"I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek, for in it THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IS REVEALED from faith to faith..."

Abraham is called the father of faith because "he believed in the LORD; and He reckoned it to him as righteousness.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭15:6‬ ‭

Where there is faith, the Holy Spirit is there, and therefore, there were many Old Testament saints who are part of the church. Just because it was revealed in the New Testament, doesn't mean it originated in the New Testament.

4. The new spiritual kingdom was being translated into the kingdom of his dear son according to Paul which was salvation of the cross and Christ finished work at the cross. This is the spiritual rule of every believer and what it is based on that we are to believe in Romans 10:9-10.
This spiritual kingdom has nothing to do with the physical KoH reign on earth for we are not ruling and reigning physically on earth.

This might be true ig not for the profound unity between heaven and earth. It is the execution of the will of God in His kingdom - on earth as it is in heaven.

5. The gospel of the kingdom being preached in Matthew 24 is future to the last 3/5 years when the jews will be purged in order to come back spiritually to God and receive the physical KoH.

Then what "end" did Jesus have in mind if not the end of this age?

The gospel today is the spiritual aspect of the KoG by way of Calvary. It is only about physically reigning in the future KoH because we are being prepared and are in training now. 2 Timothy 2:12 Our place in the kingdom will be rulership positions but not as the head of the nations as such as Israel will be.
If the earthly calling of Israel and the heavenly calling of the church is not kept separate then this is why there is so much confusion. Jerry kelso

I agree that the Church is destined to rule and reign with Jesus in spiritual bodies and in heavenly places, and that Israel will be head of the nations of earth. But...previous to entering into these callings, Israel and the Church facilitate each other's entrance into those destinies.
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jerry kelso

Food For Thought
Mar 13, 2013
Marital Status
I agree that the Church is destined to rule and reign with Jesus in spiritual bodies and in heavenly places, and that Israel will be head of the nations of earth. But...previous to entering into these callings, Israel and the Church facilitate each other's entrance into those destinies.


1. We can always learn from Israel and their backsliding and it should propel us even more into serving God with more fervor and likewise for themselves.

2. As far as in Christ ministry they did reject the KoH and the KoG. They didn't facilitate anything and there was no plan b for Calvary. Calvary had to happen whether they would have accepted Christ or not. The kingdom offer was real because it was promised to Israel. It was never prophesied that Israel would accept it but, it was that they would reject it. The question of Israel if Israel would have accepted the kingdom would it have started. Most any answer would be pure speculation.

3. Most people who accuse dispensationalists of plan b cannot be truth because the plan of God in redemption at Calvary was predestinated and prophesied to come true and the old testament and new testament saints could have not been perfected together. Hebrews 11:40

4. God used Israel's disobedience to bring salvation to the gentiles (Romans 11:11). God is facilitating because of Israel's disobedience.

5. The church can only facilitate Israel in making her jealous to come back to God as Paul preached in Romans 10:19. Even then, God is the one making them jealous through the avenue of the church. God is facilitating by way of obedience of the church and uses the church to make Israel jealous to return to him. Jerry Kelso
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Nov 23, 2015
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Sorry about the delay as I have had internet problems.

1. Jews and gentiles are in the church today males and females etc. This church today is to make the jewish nation jealous according to Romans 9-11.

2. Jews are descendants of Abraham because God used him to start this nation and this race. Because Abraham was a gentile and we are saved we are of Abraham's seed spiritually.
More precisely, the Scriptures say this:
“"BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOSE LAWLESS DEEDS HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN, AND WHOSE SINS HAVE BEEN COVERED. "BLESSED IS THE MAN WHOSE SIN THE LORD WILL NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT." Is this blessing then on the circumcised, or on the uncircumcised also? For we say, "FAITH WAS CREDITED TO ABRAHAM AS RIGHTEOUSNESS." How then was it credited? While he was circumcised, or uncircumcised? Not while circumcised, but while uncircumcised; and he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had while uncircumcised, so that he might be the father of all who believe without being circumcised, that righteousness might be credited to them,”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭4:7-11‬

So Abraham is the spiritual father of Gentiles because the sign of circumcision was sign from God validating the faith he had BEFORE being circumcised. He "believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness." This is the foundation of gospel faith.

3. Paul was talking to jews who were not believing in Jesus and he said just because they were physical descendants doesn't mean they are true jews unless they are spiritually ruled by Christ.

It is true that Jewish physical descent was no guarantee of participation in covenantal blessings. But the phraseology of "not a completed Jew", disdained by some Jews, might come closer to the mark as far as understanding Rom. 2:28-29 than saying "not a true Jew, because it avoids the implication that so many witting or unwitting replacement teachers end up saying - that Jewish physicality is irrelevant.

And in that portion, circumcision is of the heart, by the Spirit. It doesn't speak about being ruled by Christ per se. The issue is the Spirit, who accompanies the gift of faith to the believer. Where there is faith, the Spirit is there, and therefore, the Church predates the New Testament period. The people of Hebrews 11 are part of the Church because the gospel criterion is and always has been RIGHTEOUSNESS BY FAITH ALONE.

Also, I would respectfully suggest that in Romans 9-11, Paul was principally educating the Gentile contingent in the church. Why? Because Israel knows their national hope from the Scriptures (for example, see Zacharias' words when John is born and his mouth is opened - Luke 1:68-75). To the Romans, such a country as Israel was of little importance in the context of their entire empire.

Paul made references to more prophets in Romans than in all the other NT epistles combined, though he quoted more voluminously in Hebrews. They needed an education (Rom. 1:-3, 16:25-26).

This can be applied to gentiles because Israel were the ones with the covenant and the gentiles never had a covenant and Jeremiah says that Israel was offered this kingdom Where does it say this in Jeremiah? and they rejected it in Jesus day. So both jew and gentile were brought into the new covenant at Calvary where the wall of separation fell when the veil was rent into.

Like the church itself, the new covenant is not a New Testament phenomenon. The blessings of it always have been open to the believer throughout history, if we let every word of Scripture speak:

“"Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters;
And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk Without money and without cost. "Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And delight yourself in abundance. "Incline your ear and come to Me.
Listen, that you may live;
And I will make an everlasting covenant with you,
According to the faithful mercies shown to David.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55:1-3‬ ‭

And what were the faithful mercies shown to David?

“Now to the one who works, his wage is not credited as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness, just as David also speaks of the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: "BLESSED ARE THOSE WHOSE LAWLESS DEEDS HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN, AND WHOSE SINS HAVE BEEN COVERED. "BLESSED IS THE MAN WHOSE SIN THE LORD WILL NOT TAKE INTO ACCOUNT."”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭4:4-8‬

This is when gentiles were grafted in. For the reasons given above, I have to disagree. Paul said just like we were grafted in who had no covenant, the jews as the main root of the olive tree can be grafted in again. I believe it would be more accurate to view the unbelieving nation currently not as the root, but as the cut off branches because...

1) that's what Paul calls them in Rom.11
2) when grafted in, we Gentiles "became PARTAKERS OF the rich root of the olive tree", which I would suggest is being made partakers of Christ BY FAITH, because...
3) while SOME OF THE BRANCHES were broken off, it is implied that SOME REMAINED - not Gentiles newly grafted in, but faithful Jews of the past

God is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, not the God of the dead, but of the LIVING. The righteous shall LIVE by faith.So the believers of all ages stand in a living, organic unity and form the assembly, the church of all ages.

I know this flies in the face of dispensationalist presuppositions, but it is sound doctrine nonetheless.

4. Paul shows that the church age doesn't do away with the covenant and the callings of the nation of Israel as the elect that will be at the head of the nations where the law will come forth from Zion the Holy Jerusalem on earth. Isaiah 2:2-4.
AMEN! You used the verses describing my favourite scene in all the Bible. I LONG for that day...
This is a separate earthly calling from the church. Yes. When Israel is mourning "for Him as for an only son", the church is being "caught up together with Him in the clouds" to commence its heavenly administration with Christ. The latter is the privilege of those, even Jews, who believe now. Israel must be purified (Zechariah 13:9) Israel needs not merely to be purified; Israel needs to die. It is a cardinal principle in Scripture that anything to be used by God MUST pass through death and resurrection:

“"For the LORD will vindicate His people, And will have compassion on His servants, When He sees that their strength is gone, And there is none remaining, bond or free.” ‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭32:36‬ ‭

“Then He said to me, "Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel; behold, they say, 'Our bones are dried up and our hope has perished. We are completely cut off.' Therefore prophesy and say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves, My people; and I will bring you into the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people. I will put My Spirit within you and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land. Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken and done it," declares the LORD.'"”
‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭37:11-14‬ ‭

and the church is being trained through suffering right now for earthly positions in the kingdom (I beg to differ. We are to rule from heavenly places, which is the high privilege of those who follow the Lord through to the Day of the Lord, and makes real such passages as Eph. 1:8-11. The administration of the earthly kingdom belongs to the Jews under Messiah)and not purified in the future tribulation (for we will be in heaven (Revelation 5:10; Revelation 11:18 and Revelation 19). At the beginning, in the middle being rewarded for our works and coming out of heaven after the Marriage Supper of the Lamb to do battle at Armageddon.Here is our most significant disagreement. I do not believe in a rapture at any point before the last trumpet sounds and the Lord descends (1 Cor. 15:5-52, 1 Thess. 4:15-18). These clearly speak of the Lord's return and our going up.

But there is another reason: if the church were to be raptured before the Lord's return to save Israel, it would make Jacob's trouble entirely Jacob's problem. I maintain that God has a deep reciprocal purpose for Israel and the church together until the end, and rapture at any point before constitutes an abortion of this purpose.

5. The time of Jacob's trouble is only used in conjunction with Israel. Daniel 12:1-2; Isaiah 66:7-8; Matthew 24:21. etc.

It truly is Jacob's trouble, but I submit to you that it is also the church's final exam, having failed at most points - previous tests - in history to SHOW MERCY to the Jews (see Dr. Michael Brown's book We Have Blood on Our Hands). This is what Paul describes as the purpose for our being shown mercy:

“For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:30-31‬ ‭

The tribulation period is our final exam, the last chance to stand up as the true church by laying down its life for Israel. To fail at this point is to ultimately fail to be the church of Jesus Christ. It is THE watershed issue for the church of the last days, which God will not allow us to escape through rapture.

6. The jewish nation will have the ministry of the 144,000 jews and the woman which is Israel in Revelation 12 will be preserved in the wilderness in the middle of the tribulation until the end of the tribulation and will be reunited with the remnant. Read Jeremiah 31:31-32 and Hebrews 8:7-13 and you will find the new covenant has never been given to the nation and will not until they look on him whom they have pierced and he forgives their sin and puts his law into their hearts and no man will teach them etc.

I believe this view of when the new covenant was given is incorrect for several reasons:

1) The new covenant is the confirmation of previous covenantal promises.

“For I say that Christ has become a servant to the circumcision on behalf of the truth of God to confirm the promises given to the fathers, and for the Gentiles to glorify God for His mercy; as it is written, "THEREFORE I WILL GIVE PRAISE TO YOU AMONG THE GENTILES, AND I WILL SING TO YOUR NAME."”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:8-9‬ ‭

“And his father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying: "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people, And has raised up a horn of salvation for us In the house of David His servant- As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from of old- Salvation FROM OUR ENEMIES, And FROM THE HAND OF ALL WHO HATE US; To show mercy toward our fathers, And to remember His holy covenant, The oath which He swore to Abraham our father, To grant us that we, being rescued from the hand of our enemies, Might serve Him without fear, In holiness and righteousness before Him all our days.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭1:67-75‬ ‭

2) The new covenantal blessings were envisioned throughout the prophets.
(Is. 4:2-4, 9:6-7, 32:15-18, 55:1-3, Jer. 33:6-9, 14-16, Ezek. 36:23-28, Hos. 14:1-5, Joel 2:28-29,Zech.13:1-2 and many, many more)

3) The new covenant answers the dilemma created by the Law of Moses:

How can an unrighteous people - which is what the Law continually exposes - possess the land permanently - when the Law promises expulsion and exile for disobedience?

Only a righteous people can permanently possess the land. Therefore, only a people IN CHRIST can possess the land permanently, which is why the new covenant has been envisioned by God as part of the everlasting covenant, along with the Abrahamic, Davidic and Mosaic covenants.

7. The new covenant with Israel and the kingdom of David were to happen in Jesus day and they rejected it[see above]. Both of these covenants were unconditionally eternal in coming true. They were also conditioned by a generation who would obey the Messiah. Have you ever read George Peter's three-volume masterpiece, The Theocratic Kingdom? That's exactly what he argues. But let's suppose all Israel had repented at the preaching of the kingdom through John and Jesus? Then why would Jesus need to die for Israel? The Bible says that Jesus was delivered up according to “the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God". ‭‭Acts‬ ‭2:23‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Individuals are saved but collectively as a nation. Read 1 Chronicles 28:6-8. It cannot be completely and officially complete until the times of the gentiles comes to an end and their covenant will come true.
Absolutely, because "all Israel" is saved. And it HAS TO BE "all" Israel because that is what God said through Jeremiah. This is THE outstanding feature of the everlasting covenant yet unrealized.
Paul talked about this in Romans 11:25-32. Paul would have never been concerned about the nation of Israel, his physical brethren if they were not to fulfill the kingdom covenant as head of the nations. This covenant is to bring Israel and Judah together once and for all.

8. Every jew must come to the cross and they will be able to as a nation because the new covenant is already in force. They will have this knowledge at this time for they will look at him whom they have pierced (Revelation 1:7).

9. The rapture in no way prevents Israel from being saved as a nation for there will be tribulation believers and the ministry of the 144,000 jews and the 2 witnesses of which at least one of them is Elijah (Malachi 4:5,6). Zechariah 13:9 says 2/3 will be cut off and 1/3 will be brought through the fire. Their nation will almost be snuffed out and Christ will save them at the battle of Armageddon ....and the church has an integral part to play in that process. Reciprocally, Israel is the catalyst for the church to come into the fulness of its identity as the Bride prepared for her Bridegroom, in walking the path of the cross on behalf of the stricken, beleaguered, and still-blinded nation, until the Lord appears in the clouds and they are pierced to the heart.

10. You have to understand the covenants of Israel are without repentance and will happen separate from the church. Plainly, Paul teaches that in Christ, we have been made partakers of their covenantal promises (I know that what I am saying flies in the face of dearly- held presuppositions, but I hope you will see that what I am saying is biblical):

“Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called "Uncircumcision" by the so-called "Circumcision," which is performed in the flesh by human hands- remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:11-13‬

The clear implication is that we are now partakers of what Israel enjoys. This is why Paul says that what Christ has done is reason "for the Gentiles to glorify God for His mercy" (Rom. 15:9) - because God owes us nothing, strangers as we were to the covenants of promise.

who will have a part in the earthly calling (similar to the way angels influence things now) but will also have access to other things in heaven and other places of the universal KoG.

11. So the gentile part of the church being grafted in will not prevent the nation of Israel to be grafted in again and will not prevent her from embracing the covenant God promised them about the land and the kingdom which is the covenants of Abraham and David. AMEN!

12. There will be nothing to prevent them from being purified and saved in order to accept their covenants. (Daniel 9:24-27 and Romans 11:25-32). Just because we can be called spiritual Israel (I would be careful with the term 'spiritual' Israel - it's questionable biblically (when the Bible says Israel, it means Israel, not the church; the Israel of God are believing Jews),but further, the replacement people use it a lot to justify their wholesale identity theft of the heritage of Israel in the prophetic and covenanted promises of God) doesn't do away with Israel's callings and gifts according to their earthly calling and covenant concerning the land (Abrahamic Covenant) and the Kingdom on Earth (Davidic Covenant). AMEN.

13. The true church is not physical Israel and the nation of Israel has a physical aspect of their calling on earth as head of the nations. (Isaiah 2:2-4). The church was not promised this (here's something to ponder: many places in the Psalms and Proverbs, this phraseology is used - "the righteous shall inherit the land". If "all he promises of God are "yes" and "amen" in Christ Jesus, could we have a share too in the land? Just floating a possibility based on this promise to "the righteous"...) and the apostles will all rule over the tribes of Israel at this time. (Matthew 19).
The olive tree doctrine preventing Israel to fulfilling their covenants is not scriptural and not in correct context of the word across the board. I'm not sure what you mean about the olive tree doctrine. Are you speaking of MY references (see above) to the olive tree? I'm an arborist, a tree man, so Paul's olive tree statement is particularly special to me, and because he used it, it is doctrine. Jerry kelso
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Nov 23, 2015
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Just responded to your last post!

1. We can always learn from Israel and their backsliding and it should propel us even more into serving God with more fervor and likewise for themselves.
“Now these things happened as examples for us, so that we would not crave evil things as they also craved.

Now these things happened to them as an example, and they were written for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the ages have come.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭10:6, 11‬ ‭

2. As far as in Christ ministry they did reject the KoH and the KoG. They didn't facilitate anything and there was no plan b for Calvary. Calvary had to happen whether they would have accepted Christ or not. The kingdom offer was real because it was promised to Israel. It was never prophesied that Israel would accept it but, it was that they would reject it. The question of Israel if Israel would have accepted the kingdom would it have started. Most any answer would be pure speculation. The question of WHY they rejected Jesus is deep and vital.

3. Most people who accuse dispensationalists of plan b cannot be truth because the plan of God in redemption at Calvary was predestinated and prophesied to come true and the old testament and new testament saints could have not been perfected together. Hebrews 11:40

You may be misinterpreting that verse:

“And all these, having gained approval through their faith, did not receive what was promised, because God had provided something better for us, so that apart from us they would not be made perfect.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:39-40‬ ‭

What it says is that God has held in abeyance the things promised to the great pantheon of faith listed in Hebrews 11 UNTIL WE COME IN, and they will receive TOGETHER WITH US. I find that DEEPLY humbling.

4. God used Israel's disobedience to bring salvation to the gentiles (Romans 11:11). God is facilitating because of Israel's disobedience.

5. The church can only facilitate Israel in making her jealous to come back to God as Paul preached in Romans 10:19. Even then, God is the one making them jealous through the avenue of the church. God is facilitating by way of obedience of the church and uses the church to make Israel jealous to return to him. Jerry Kelso
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jerry kelso

Food For Thought
Mar 13, 2013
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I believe and we can all agree as christians that God is in control and fair in his righteous actions of why he does things the way he does things according to his holiness and omniscience etc.
I am happy it was beneficial to you, I may need your encouragement about something that I might have missed.
Exegesis takes time and not getting too sunk in every jot and tittle of an organized theology whether it be dispensational or reformed, gentile or jewish etc. God bless in your studies as a berean in the context of searching out to see if the truth is really truth no matter who it comes from, family, friends or great bible teachers. We are to heed good council and true teaching but at the same time God gave us a brain to use in order to exegete scriptures the best that we can. Precept upon precept and context and comparing scriptures and reconciling scriptures together, gradual revelation, etc. are very important in this process. God bless! Jerry kelso
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Nov 23, 2015
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I believe and we can all agree as christians that God is in control and fair in his righteous actions of why he does things the way he does things according to his holiness and omniscience etc.
I am happy it was beneficial to you, I may need your encouragement about something that I might have missed.
Exegesis takes time and not getting too sunk in every jot and tittle of an organized theology whether it be dispensational or reformed, gentile or jewish etc. God bless in your studies as a berean in the context of searching out to see if the truth is really truth no matter who it comes from, family, friends or great bible teachers. We are to heed good council and true teaching but at the same time God gave us a brain to use in order to exegete scriptures the best that we can. Precept upon precept and context and comparing scriptures and reconciling scriptures together, gradual revelation, etc. are very important in this process. God bless! Jerry kelso

Thanks, Jerry. Let's keep crying out for wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus.
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Mar 4, 2004
If Jesus "returned with a kingdom in 312 AD" we would NOT be in the middle of the global mess that we are in. The literal Kingdom of God on earth under Christ is one of UNIVERSAL righteousness, peace, and prosperity -- a far cry from what surrounds us. It is never wise for Christians to delude themselves. There is enough delusion in the world already.
Constantine defeated the 6th head of Satan and the kingdom he founded ruled all the known world without any interference from the devil till 636AD when the 7th head of Satan appeared as prophesied. Then the 7th head of Satan trampled Jerusalem underfoot for 42 months of years as also prophesied. Towards the end of the 1260 years, the eighth head of Satan appeared and caused 3 1/2 of great tribulation as also prophesied. Both the 1260 years and 3 1/2 years ended in 1945 when the Jews came to be in the majority in the Holy Land. And about 3 1/2 years later, Israel was reborn as also prophesied.

Everything went well for a while. But now the 7th head of Satan wants to rule Jerusalem again, if not the whole world, and has launched the Battle of Ar Mageddon (on 9/11 when the Euphrates was dry) and it is fast escalating into a world war as prophesied. The Good News is, the last face of Satan will soon be so soundly defeated (by exceedingly great hail dropped by a coalition of 24 Christian nations) that He wont be heard from again for a thousand years.
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Jack Terrence

Fighting the good fight
Feb 15, 2013
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If Jesus "returned with a kingdom in 312 AD" we would NOT be in the middle of the global mess that we are in. The literal Kingdom of God on earth under Christ is one of UNIVERSAL righteousness, peace, and prosperity -- a far cry from what surrounds us
Actually the scriptures teach that this was CONDITIONAL. Israel failed to meet the conditions. So there will be no universal righteousness and peace
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Actually the scriptures teach that this was CONDITIONAL. Israel failed to meet the conditions. So there will be no universal righteousness and peace
False. There will most certainly be universal righteousness and peace, and Israel's failure is the past will have nothing to do with it. Study Ezekiel for starters.
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Jack Terrence

Fighting the good fight
Feb 15, 2013
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False. There will most certainly be universal righteousness and peace, and Israel's failure is the past will have nothing to do with it. Study Ezekiel for starters.
False! God said that whenever he spoke to Israel and Israel did not obey that He would REPENT of the good he promised them

Ezekiel says the same thing. Israel blew it and so there will be no universal righteousness and peace. Ezekiel has NOTHING to do with what will be in the future. It is about what could have been for Israel in the past.

In 431 the Council of Ephesus condemned your theology as a "superstitious aberration."
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Dec 1, 2014
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In 431 the Council of Ephesus condemned your theology as a "superstitious aberration."
So you'd sooner believe a Council than Scripture itself? Good for you. Evidently you need to get fully acquainted with the Kingdom of God and how it will be established on earth for eternity.
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Jack Terrence

Fighting the good fight
Feb 15, 2013
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So you'd sooner believe a Council than Scripture itself? Good for you. Evidently you need to get fully acquainted with the Kingdom of God and how it will be established on earth for eternity.
I gave you the scripture BEFORE I gave you the Council. Jeremiah 18:6-10 EXPLICITLY says that whenever God speaks a word of promise and Israel does not obey that God will REPENT of the good he promised.

Ezekiel's promises were for Ezekiel's generation and their IMMEDIATE children. But they turned away from God and never realized the promises. This proves the CONDITIONAL NATURE of the promises. Zechariah 1 says the same thing. But you Zionists have no regard for the CONDITIONS which God had set forth.
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jerry kelso

Food For Thought
Mar 13, 2013
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I gave you the scripture BEFORE I gave you the Council. Jeremiah 18:6-10 EXPLICITLY says that whenever God speaks a word of promise and Israel does not obey that God will REPENT of the good he promised.

Ezekiel's promises were for Ezekiel's generation and their IMMEDIATE children. But they turned away from God and never realized the promises. This proves the CONDITIONAL NATURE of the promises. Zechariah 1 says the same thing. But you Zionists have no regard for the CONDITIONS which God had set forth.

1 Chronicles 28 was the Davidic covenant about the kingdom on earth reign in David's house. David was a man of war so God started with Solomon in his name and David will be King over Israel in the last days. Isaiah 9:6-7. There shall be no end of the throne of David.

2. The Davidic Covenant is eternal and is tied to the times of refreshing and restitution of all things Acts 3:19;21.

3. It is conditioned by obedience 1 Chronicles 28:7. However, Romans 11:29 says the gifts and callings of Israel are without repentance. Israel has disobeyed many times and yet they were still a nation until 70 A.D. when Jesus prophesied about the nation being punished and destroyed and this happened.

4. At the same time they became a nation again in 1948 and they again are now in position to be persecuted by the world which they are now because the arab nation started by Ishmael said that the hand would always be against them. This is the Holy war now. The tribulation will happen and Israel will take their rightful place in the Davidic covenant as head of the nations Isaiah 2:2-4.

5. God is not worry about your time frame and what you think will never transpire because of what it may look like as far as Israel not fulfilling their covenants about the throne of David. It is improper exegesis to look at one side without understanding the other side and how it should be interpreted. Jerry kelso
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