Tasting Heaven

The Story Teller

The Story Teller
Jun 27, 2003
New Jersey
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Tasting Heaven

"What does Heaven taste like?"
I asked this question to a group of 1 - 4th graders at church after we shared of our favorite and least favorite foods to eat. Enjoy!
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-"Heaven tastes like clouds should."

"But what do clouds taste like?"

" Like cotton candy, only it's not bad for your teeth. That's why dentists have to find new jobs when they get to Heaven."

- "Heaven tastes like my sister's cookies she made if she didn't always burn them. Maybe that's what happens if you forget to move away from the fire, huh?"

- "Heaven tastes like Manna. I love Manna. I have it almost every morning for breakfast. You know, God was sure smart in telling everyone to hurry up and eat it. Gets too soggy in the bottom of the bowl. My favorite is the one with the Tiger on the front of the box. Not the fake kind. I can tell the difference."

- "I think Heaven tastes like waking up in a tent when you are camping. God sneaks up b'fore you 'cause He loves you, and cooks all the stuff that makes my eyes pop open and makes me run outside to find out what He's up too."

- "Gosh. I don't know. I think of my favorite foods, but God is good at surprises. That's how I got my baby brother. Maybe I'm s'possing Heaven should taste sparkly. He maybe might just jump up and says to me, "Nope! Surprise! It tastes like chocolate everything without making a mess!"

- "Heaven tastes like watermelon. Green and round and sounds like an echo when you hit it, but inside it's sweet and juicy and dribbles all over you. You haveta share it, 'cause there's so much, and you have to smile big when you are eating it, 'cause it's too much fun."

- "Well, Heaven sure don't taste like Brussel Sprouts! I don't trust no green vegetables that rolls. Those are what the devil's home tastes like. Bet he woulda changed his mind and not got all bigheaded if he knew these was the only foods to eat there."

- "Heaven tastes like my puppy waking me in the morning with kisses."

- "Heaven tastes like my Grandma's apricots from her tree. You wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait and wait, and before you know it and when you think you can't wait no more minutes anymore, He says, "Come and get it!"

Karen Rice/copyright 2005
Submitted by Richard