Remember Me for This

The Story Teller

The Story Teller
Jun 27, 2003
New Jersey
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Remember Me for This
(Neh. 13)

Here, in the last chapter of the book that bears Nehemiah's name, we find the clearest expression of this great Old Testament leader's heart. In his "remember me" statements, Nehemiah identifies those actions which he sees as his most significant service for the Lord.

What is striking about the list is that nowhere does Nehemiah say, "Remember me, O Lord, for rebuilding Jerusalem's walls." The one accomplishment which his contemporaries might have seen as most important isn't even mentioned!

It's helpful for us to remember this in a day when so many take pride in buildings - in founding universities, in constructing beautiful churches, or in building great networks over which the Gospel can be heard. Certainly these are worthy endeavors, just as building the wall of Jerusalem was a worthy and holy endeavor. Yet what we see in Nehemiah 13 is that these are not the most important of spiritual endeavors.

For Nehemiah, what was most important was promoting the worship of God (v.14).

It was helping Judah honor God by keeping the Sabbath Day holy (v.22).
It was insisting that those who served the Lord remain pure (v. 30).
What counted most to Nehemiah was his impact for God on the lives of the men and women of his own time.

What a blessing to see this in Nehemiah. You and I may never stand among the great builders of our times. But we can stand, with Nehemiah, as persons who encourage the men and women among whom we live to worship the Lord better, to honor Him more fully, and to remain pure.

If we do, when the day comes that God honors His servants, you and I will stand beside Nehemiah among the most significant people of God.

It is more important to touch one life for God than to build a great city.

"I believe that the reason of life is for each of us to simply grow in love. I believe that this growth in love will contribute more than any other force to establish the kingdom of God on earth."

Author Unknown
Submitted by Richard