Not a Christian album but .....


sola dosis facit venenum
Jan 16, 2008
Marital Status
If I had to pick my favorite group it would likely be Simon and Garfunkel. This is their debut album. Because of the season and their rendition of 'Go Tell it on the Mountain' I started trying to come up with a list of Christian songs they recorded. I found several and may eventually add some to this thread. But I realized this album is a very good start. Not all the songs are explicitly or entirely Christian. But a couple are and all but 2 of them either have at least some Christian imagery or take on a different light after listening to the first couple and thinking of the rest in a Christian light. Or is it only one Peggy O, upon second consideration the title song also is subtlety changed if one thinks of forgiveness.

If you click on the funny boxlike thing in the upper left hand corner you will see the playlist and be able to select individual songs, otherwise they will all play in order.
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