Last Year is 2017


Johnny Appleseed

Jubilee 120 (6003) Day 6 Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet) Sept 21-22; Day 1 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Sept 30; Sukkot Day 6 15 (Oct 5); Day 5 21 (Oct 11)
6th Day War in Israel Month 4, Day 2 6/11/1967+Jubilee (Lev. 25:9)=2017 - Miracles of the six day war
Israel became a nation 1948+70=2018 Pentecost
Judah ben Samuel Prophecy
Jubilees 1-8 (1517 to 1917): Turks will rule.
Jubilee 9 (1917 to 1967): Jerusalem a “no man’s land.”
Jubilee 10 (1967 to 2017): Jerusalem under Jewish control, Messianic end times will begin.
Jubilee 11: Begins at Yom Kippur 9/30/17.
Yom Kipper is the tenth day of Tishrei and is known as the Day of Atonement. On this day, Jesus judges the nations at Armageddon (Rev 16:16ff; 19:11ff) or Ezekiel 38,39 War as is its other name..

In Hebrew September is Tishrei which means completion
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Jubilee 120 (6003) Day 6 Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpet) Sept 21-22; Day 1 Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Sept 30; Sukkot Day 6 15 (Oct 5); Day 5 21 (Oct 11)
6th Day War in Israel Month 4, Day 2 6/11/1967+Jubilee (Lev. 25:9)=2017 - Miracles of the six day war
Israel became a nation 1948+70=2018 Pentecost
Judah ben Samuel Prophecy
Jubilees 1-8 (1517 to 1917): Turks will rule.
Jubilee 9 (1917 to 1967): Jerusalem a “no man’s land.”
Jubilee 10 (1967 to 2017): Jerusalem under Jewish control, Messianic end times will begin.
Jubilee 11: Begins at Yom Kippur 9/30/17.

Johnny, I see September, the ninth month in what appears times of Judgment, do you see this too? I have been seeing the 9 in many prophecies concerning the end. In other words, it seems that 9 is when God will execute something in light of His Judgments, or as Wrath of Judgment.
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