Jesus came to me with the seven seals?


New Member
Feb 4, 2006
My first dream occured in 1986. I have now had a total of 7 dreams that are considered phrophetic dreams, even though I really know the bible very little. My dream: I stepped outside the apartment with my husband, my In-laws, and my sister In-law. It was a beautiful sunny day and the skies were bright blue. All the sudden the sun vanished and darknes crawled in. I looked up to the skies and it started raining FIRE! Everyone surounding me got burned and died. The fire repelled against my skin. I fell to my knees and started crying. I started crying and ask the Lord "Why"? Soon I looked up and saw white clouds in form of a hurricane forming in, and it even had an eye in the middle. The eye started getting bigger and bigger. An image appeared in the center of the eye. Soon the image covered the whole universe! It was Jesus with his hands extented to the sides looking at me. He was wearing a beautiful white robe, and he had what looked like a rope around his waist, beautiful gold rope. I don't remember seeing his skin color, hair color, nor eye color. All I can remember was that he was the most beautiful image I've ever seen. I saw a sheppard boy skipping towards Jesus along with his sheppard to his side. Then they both held hands and spoke to me. I wish I could remember his message. The only message I can remember was that he said mentioned something about TEN and said to me that I will know about the seven seals and that I shall have seven! The they both drifted away the the white clouds covered the entire universe. Then two big eyeballs came out covering the entire universe and red as blood. They started laughing so loud it it sounded very scary. He then showed me how he shall destroy this universe and show me how he shall move all the planets out of orbit and the he will win power? I got on my knees and started praying and woke up praying! This dream was so intensed that up to today, It feels like I had just had the dream, and it's now been 19 yrs since I had this dream. I have 6 more dreams to tell, but I'm not much of a writer. All intensed! Can anyone tell me what this means? Anyone?