In Knowlegde



[ Philemon 1:6]; That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you, that is in Christ.

It is one thing to confess from the plane of faith; as I believe, so I speak. It is another if confession is from the plane of knowledge.

That is the mind of the spirit in Philemon 1:6. When Paul speaks of the acknowledging of good things in you, the Greek word used there in for acknowledging is 'epignosis'; the advanced and intimate knowledge in God.

This is not a man speaking out of the evidence of things not seen or the substance of things hoped for but rather, he carries material and evidence because knowledge made what was not seen visible to him.

The thing about operating from the plane of knowledge is that it carries the convictions of truth that define our liberties: for you will know the truth and the truth shall set you free. That is why it is the knowledge of truth that sets a man free. It is not faith in the truth that sets you free.

Now faith, besides being simply a law by the spirit is also a liberty in the spirit. However, knowledge has a greater liberty for therein are the mighty exploits: they that know their God shall do great and mighty exploits.

What does this mean to the child of God? When you say, 'I am great', 'I am rich' get past the place of just faith to the place where you know it. It is not the mind of God that faith birthes knowledge. It is knowledge that birthes faith. The order is faith coming by hearing the word. Faith birthed by knowledge.

Scripture Reference

2 Corinthians 4:13, Daniel 11:32, John 8:32

It is not the mind of God that faith birthes knowledge. It is knowledge that birthes faith.