How To Jam Its Natural and Easy


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2008
In the Sticks Horse & Buggie
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:)...When I was 5 years old and sat in church and heard the music, I wanted to sing with the Flow. I was to young at that time to know many words, But as I listened to the song, I heard the melody, and I knew what the next note was going to be, I could see and feel the note before it arrived in the timing of a song, Therefore I could hum the melody and be right in tune with the song as with everyone else, Perception Was that a Gift I was born With From God, I always assumed everyone could do this, it seemed so logical to me. Knowing where the next note was going to be, It did not matter what the song was, I always knew the notes before they got there. Jaming is very similar you listen to what is being played and guess what is coming next in the pattern of notes, It gives you time to play your note as you feel or as you perceive, you can even play another related note to accent the next note before it get there. Jaming is experimenting with the logical or non logical pattern of notes, by listening to others and finding what notes fit into the puzzle they are playing. Buy experimenting you learn allot, Jaming is a technique of perception that allows you to play with others, It is done without memorizing the song structure, you lay down a few rules and see what you can come up with. What you can add to the order of the pattern before it get there, the more you do it the easier it becomes, ((It has been said that )) ((Assumption is the mother of all evil )), and usually cause's a person to make a incorrect judgment, or arrive at a wrong decision)) But in the world of music this can be turned into a virtue, buy using this feature in guessing the notes. And for Christians you have a special Blessing that allows you to do this, Try it, you have nothing to loose, But not trying it may cause you to miss out on some really neat stuff, and limit you success in Music. All things are possible with Christ, Pray, He will help you Do this. I'ts easy.....:pray: