Hillary VS Bernie


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Feb 18, 2002
Phoenix, AZ
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Hillary VS Bernie

Hillary is “a safe bet”, because she more or less toes the line of the status quo. People are accustomed to “the way things are”, and a few minor adjustments to American life will not cause a stir. Bernie is quite different. He sees the problem caused by the stealthy slide to oligarchy and plutocracy caused by moneyed interests that game our system of government. He sees how BIG business has hollowed out the middle class workers for greater profits by moving their businesses to other nations where they can pay workers almost nothing. Furthermore the various recent U S Congresses “they bought” have passed laws allowing them to stash their wealth in tax havens to avoid paying taxes to support the needs of the US government. Add to that the asinine moves to decrease their tax brackets so that some of these “legal thieves” have gotten away with paying $0.00 in income tax. The average tax-payer pays at least 13% of his wage income in taxes. What the rich are getting away with is UNFAIR!! Bernie thinks this scenario managed by “bought legislators” is sinking the US middle-class and polarizing us into a very wealthy class of 1%-ers and a lower 98% with much less wealth.

Hillary wants the safe route to do just a little bit and avoid going after Wall Street barons to prosecute them. They need to spend some time in prison for what that did to US families and the economy. Many US citizens were driven to bankruptcy and many lost all they had. The depression from these crimes was devastating, and it drove some poor folks to commit suicide. That is right! Some did commit suicide because they could take no more. Bernie feels that justice has not been served, because these guys have gotten away with “high crimes” against America families. Some of these BIG BANKERS should be wearing prison stripes. A guy caught selling 2 oz. of cocaine may get a few years in prison, while these white collar crooks walk the streets, still wear their Brooks suits, and rake in millions of dollars in bonus pay as honored elites. Obama and Eric Holder also did not prosecute them, because Obama announced as soon as he was in office that, “My goal is to look forward and not backward”, that is to avoid prosecuting the banker thieves.

Hillary says her policies are “realistic” and within the realm of possibilities. Her plans are “cautious”! Bernie’s plans are more visionary, but Hillary thinks they are out of reach and maybe impossible. I disagree with that. Being “careful and politically correct” can deny any advance to “change for the better”. What if Magellan and Columbus had bought the logic of their day that “the earth is flat, and if you sail west eventually you will drop off into the abyss”? Where would we be if we had rejected JFK’s “unheard of before” challenge to go to the moon and back, because that idea seems “impossible”? What if the Wright brothers had given up because some of their attempts to fly failed? I love Bernie’s PLANS. They cannot be attempted and achieved by a timid “unbelieving” mind. Hillary reminds me of the status quo cowards, who are afraid to go forward, because they do not want to “rock the boat”! If you are afraid to dive into the water, because when you dipped in your toe “it felt cold”, how can you fulfill the needs of fractured nation? The wealth gap between haves and have not is in shambles; the infrastructure is falling apart, the GOP is sabotaging voter rights and unity among the people for their political advantage; our young people are saddled with tuition debt as the government makes money off their loans. Climate change issues must be addressed seriously and we must protect the earth. “Where there is no vision, the people perish”! Bernie has the vision to solve America’s problems, and Bernie has my full support!

But either Hillary or Bernie is better than Trump or Cruz any day of the week.