
  1. turbobull

    Can Christians be "Salesmen"

    don't see it in sales. What is your thought? What does scripture say?
  2. BrAndreyu

    If I woke up tomorrow and was back in the 11th grade...

    I would try harder in school. I would not mess around with drugs or get involved in the "hook-up" culture that was just starting to come around in 2002-2003. I would seek help with Algebra and get good enough grades to be able to attend a university, get a degree, and then would begin the...
  3. justme6272

    Why does the police brutality of a counterfeiting drug addict mean more workplace discrimination?

    I'm talking about George Floyd, and the fact that the 'black community' gets more hiring and promotion preferences than ever before, as they demand an extortionist style 'payback' for the life of one man who was far from a model citizen. Was he a career oriented individual, trying to get ahead...