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  1. X

    How Important is Reason?

    Abraham was about to sacrifice his son to God. Because he was instructed by God to do so.. What reason did God give him.. None. Later it was creditted to Abraham as righteousness because of his faith. Yet we know that faith comes from God.. Hard to understand the ways of God.. So much...
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    Question about Atheists

    That is based on man's moral standard.. According to God's Word. Those that do not believe in God's only son Jesus, the same have a spirit of antichrist.. You are best to make christian friends and avoid friendship with the world..
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    How do you know your saved? HELP ASAP!

    Being saved is not a feeling, as much as a state of perpetual awareness to who you are in retrospect to Jesus Christ in your life.. He consumes you. All of the time.. He is always on your mind.. His Holy Spirit is always working in you.. And you can hear His voice.. What i mean by hearing...
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    Exactly how bad was the crucifixion for Jesus?

    Well you are right. You do seem morbid.. Jesus endured God's wrath. That is something we cannot see and hollywood cannot recreate.. Then God the Father turned His back on God the Son.. That is why Jesus said, "Father. Why have you forsaken me". To think, all of that for the likes of you...
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    Scared That I Blasphemed The Holy Spirit!

    I would think that the fact that you are worried is proof that you haven't done that.. The truth is, if you actually did. Then you wouldnt give it a second thought.. But stop being so stupid.. We are talking about your relationship with God. our Creator.. Stop grieving the Spirit...
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    How do you put Jesus first?

    Jesus is already first.. He is the beginning and the end.. So you can put that burden aside.. What we need to do, is focus on Jesus Christ as the standard to march after and then rest in Him. We can take comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit is working out our salvation..
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    Eagle crashes in Church

    So are you saying that seeing eye dogs are out also.. I believe it is what your hearts intention is.. If it is for entertainment it is wrong.. Necessity is clearly acceptable
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    How to completely move on from my ex?

    I can't help thinking that a true Christian would not give lessons on how to move on and leave a spouse behind.. Rather a true Christian would seek and teach reconciliation Just a thought
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    How to forgive someone who doesn't care to be forgiven?

    You are asking the same question that we have to ask Christ.. How could He forgive us when we didn't care about being forgiven.. We didn't even think we needed forgiveness because we didn't see our wrong. Its the same answer for both questions. Because the questions are basically the same...
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    Desperate for help.

    Start by stopping the gay inappropriate content.. Get a true Christian counselor.. A pastor.. And then dont hold back.. Draw close to God..
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    how old is too old to sleep with your kid?

    What does this have to do with Christianity..
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    People are barred from entering a church when service begins.

    What would Jesus do... Well i am certain that He would be on time when it came to Such a matter of edification.. Maybe your friends should take their faith a little more serious..
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    Please Help!! WHY DO GOOD? Struggling to understand!

    Fair, just, and right would be everyone including you and myself going straight to hell. That's right.. God is Holy and therefore contrary to our sinful nature. But, through God's loving mercy, He saves us by grace.. Not based on anything of ourself. Rather based on whom He is.. Isn't...
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    Advice needed with my ex-girlfriend... Where do I go from here?

    I am certain that God used you as a living testimony for jill to have a glimpse of what is possible in a believer's life. God will use it as He helps her to grow into the woman that He will have her to be.. And as for you. God used you in His glorious plan for jill's life.. Rejoice in that..
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    Edge of faithlessness.

    Well, to stary with. It seems that you are trying to overcome temptation by your own strength. Then failing of course. And then perpetuating you situation.. You are going around in circles.. Can i ask if you are actually saved and indwelt by God's Holy Spirit.. Because if you aren't...
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    Is the concept of the Trinity supposed to baffle me?

    We are talking about God.. We can only understand what He reveals about Himself..
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    How do we know that Christianity is the true religion?

    Alex, if you aren't seeing evidence of change within yourself(attitude), and your life. Odds are you probably are not truly saved.. You would know.. Your attitude would be completely change, staring inward and then being expressed in your outer self.. There wouldn't be any doubt.. Here is...
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    A Christian with a calling, But in need.

    Sounds to me like you need a job.. And maybe your calling is working in the stock room at walmart
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    Please help. Did I do the right thing?

    To start with. The right one will be the one you marry. Then there wont be any regrets.. You did fine. But, you just need to forgive, not tell them that.. As though you need to forgive them for somethi g.. Only do this for you.. This girl is a sensuous creature and will have alot of...