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  1. E

    Understanding Events of the Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ

    So, then by your statement and please correct me if I'm wrong, Christ died, descended to hades, was resurrected, delivered to heaven those that had been in paradise and then returned to earth for 40 days before being taken up in a cloud as mentioned in Acts 1:9. Help me to reconcile a couple...
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    Understanding Events of the Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ

    I am a little confused regarding the events of the death, resurrection and ascension of Christ. The confusion comes from Bible teaching when I was younger that didn't completely explain the events and confusing the meanings of some actions. First, I believe that when Christ died He went to...
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    Question Regarding Understanding Scripture

    If a Bible verse has just one meaning can it have multiple applications? For example the story of the Good Samaritan. Should it just be taken as a story regarding the Good Samaritan or can other valid points be drawn from the scripture? For example, would it be wrong to make application...
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    Who Did Christ Die For?

    If God knew from the foundations of the world who would accept or reject the gift of salvation then did Christ die only for those who would accept the gift?
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    Altar Calls - Yes/No Good/Bad

    Willie T - I am not trying to be condescending towards either those that use them or those that don't. I'm just trying to understand why some do and why some don't. If you use them or attend a church that does can you tell me why you use them. Just gathering information.
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    Altar Calls - Yes/No Good/Bad

    I know that altar calls are somewhat of a staple in most evangelical churches however, there is no Biblical basis for them (that I see). So, if the Bible does not specifically address the altar call why or why not have them? Also, if you do have an altar call is this interjecting...
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    Help Understanding Proper Interpretation of Scripture

    I think what strikes to the heart of my whole question is that of preaching style. Should a preacher only take an expository verse by verse approach or is it okay to do textual or topical preaching. I think some would believe that expository preaching is the ONLY way to properly preach because...
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    What Happened To People In The Old Testament When They Died?

    What happened to people in the Old Testament when they died? Where did the "believers" go and where did the "non-believers" go? Please use scripture references in your reply, I'm a new babe in Christ so I appreciate it when people can share information but use the Bible to confirm what they are...
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    Help Understanding Proper Interpretation of Scripture

    Did he read too much into the scripture when taking what was in the word and making the application to the congregation? Did he properly take what the scripture said and make the proper presentation for application for those hearing?
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    Help Understanding Proper Interpretation of Scripture

    I have a question regarding a sermon that I heard preached and want to know if the preacher took too much liberty with the text or if what he said was acceptable. I am a young Christian and I am just trying to learn how to make sure the message being preached is true to the text. I'm including...
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    What Happened To Lazarus When He Died The First Time?

    What happened to Lazarus when he died the first time? Did he go to heaven only to be called back by Jesus? I heard a preacher say that perhaps the reason Jesus was weeping was not because Lazarus died but because He was having to bring him back from heaven. Didn't make much sense to me.
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    What Happens To People Who Have Never Heard About Christ?

    You are obviously well versed in theology and I appreciate that. However, I am but a babe in Christ so much of what you said was hard for me to grasp. Are you able to give me everything you said in a nutshell? I know that may be asking a lot but TMI for a new babe in Christ is overwhelming. Thanks!
  13. E

    What Happens To People Who Have Never Heard About Christ?

    What happens to people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ preached in regards to salvation? More simply stated, if they have never heard the gospel presented how can they make a decision to accept or reject the gift of salvation? How does God reveal Himself to these people if...
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    Is God a Dictator, Totalitarian or Both?

    Yesterday I heard a pastor speaking stating that God is a dictator operating from a totalitarian view point. I question this view, it just doesn't seem to fit into how the Bible portrays God in scripture. I am a young Christian so I'm seeking advice. Thanks
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    A Question Regarding Scripture - An Understanding

    I guess my question is a little deeper than that. I heard this message preached today and being a new Christian I'm trying to understand the scripture more fully. The pastor preached on 1 Peter 5:6-7 and related it to us carrying things in our heart that weigh us, Christians, down and that we...
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    A Question Regarding Scripture - An Understanding

    I am a new Christian. I have a question regarding scripture. I was reading 1 Peter 5:6-7 and it speaks about casting our cares upon the Lord for He careth for us. Does this mean surrendering things in our heart to Him? In other words would giving up a grudge be considered as an act of casting...