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  1. D

    Is it wrong to refuse sex with someone you are married to?

    No, it's not wrong to "refuse". And we don't call it refuse, we call it "pass". If a spouse is tired, sick, doesn't want to, stressed, etc. It really doesn't matter the reason. The bottom line is respect for other. Both parties must have open communication on this. If one party is always...
  2. D

    Is femininity 100% a social construct?

    Not understanding what you're saying. Wearing a suit is a "social construct". How do get that? And what is NATURAL about any social construct in regards to feminity? Not trying to sound harsh, just wanting clarification of your opinion. I thought we were in agreement, now I'm not sure.
  3. D

    Is femininity 100% a social construct?

    Exactly - it is UNNATURAL to shave, it is UNNATURAL to wear make-up, it is UNNATURAL to style the hair on your head, it is UNNATURAL is bind the feet in infantcy, it is UNNATURAL to wear high heals. But if a woman chooses NOT to do these things - she is call UNNATURAL, UN feminine, or butch...
  4. D

    Is it wrong to refuse sex with someone you are married to?

    Being married is NOT all about sex. Your first priority is always service to God. And then SERVICE to others as Jesus taught Us. If you want sex for yourself, then that is the sin of selfishness. Your partner's pleasure should be your goal, not yourself. Now, if there is a true difference...
  5. D

    Is It a Sin to touch in a Sexless Marriage?

    Masturbation is wrong. It leads to desensitizing yourself. This is not the reason God built you the way he did. And it does NOT promote prostate health. This is just media propaganda to get you to lower yourself to worldly standards. Most urologists will tell you that there is no physical...