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  1. Jake255

    What happened to the souls of the people who lived before Christianity?

    Jesus is the lamb that was slain before the foundation of the world. “The lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world // The lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (Revelation 13:8, John 1:29) Even God's Kingdom was prepared for Jesus before the foundation...
  2. Jake255

    Having "THE MIND OF CHRIST" means we are equipped with what special abilities ?

    This is a good thread, having the mind of Christ, coupled with 'partaking of the divine nature', we can do all things through Christ which equals 'walking as He walked'. We get stuck in thinking like a natural man, including myself, but having the mind of Christ transports us to a spiritual...
  3. Jake255

    How am christian teens supposed to live in celibaby until marriage?

    Hi Malachi, First of all, I want to tell you I am only a few years older than you are, I have chosen celibacy as well. You have made the right decision and God will bless you greatly for it. With Christ, all things are possible and you CAN overcome this with Him. He is the overcomer that lives...
  4. Jake255

    Increasing your faith.

    The Bible says signs will follow believers and it's true, anyone who has been a sincere believer for awhile has seen the works of God, He has revealed Himself to them in many different ways. The point of my post was that instead of worshipping the Creator, the Healer, the Miracle producer, it...
  5. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    I know of no one who believes Catholics are apostate because they are Catholic. I do know what they believe of the mormon religion, too and it's not in support of.
  6. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    Nothing I have said is a misrepresentation of your sect. I quoted the articles of faith - exactly as they were written, but Legacy argues them - for what reason? It seems neither one of you really comprehend your own doctrine and that is confusing.
  7. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    You are very wrong. You should look up the word "apostate", we may have differing doctrines but I would never claim a person from a Baptist church is apostate because they believe in the requirement of baptism - seriously, are you kidding me??? Is this a joke? The Bible is the Bible is the Word...
  8. Jake255

    Increasing your faith.

    I wrote this on another forum awhile back, I hope it helps you in some way. Recently an issue came up with me about faith and someone pointed out to me that perhaps my faith was not in who God is, but rather how can God work according to my requests. It did seem as if my prayers consisted of...
  9. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    The difference? Are you kidding me! We don't believe other denominations are apostate. We believe in the Bible in its entirety and believe God has the POWER to keep His Word with integrity, unlike the mormons who believe it is true as far as it is translated - which basically means they have...
  10. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    It's not an opinion when it IS the doctrine of your church. I'm not sure why mormons have to have this heir of deception about them, we all here believe in some form of doctrine, we just put it out there, we don't go around the bush to explain it only to find out later it is as the rest of us...
  11. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    Legacy doesn't even know his own doctrine.... Nothing Biblical about it anyway.
  12. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    We all read what you wrote, don't try to backpedal now. As far as I'm concerned, you have no more credibility. Your views are unbiblical and possess very little truth.
  13. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    And here you've finally given us what mormons really believe about other Christians.... My first post pointed this out but you kept denying it. Why?
  14. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    Thinking upon this more, I do believe they hold human marriage in idolatry status, too.
  15. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    We've been through this before. Those who obey God are His family, we're all adopted. Maybe this part isn't in your mormon doctrine or something. Marriage is for humans, it fulfills something that humans lack, companionship, sex, raising children, population continuation. None of these will...
  16. Jake255

    My Christian Roommates Won't Clean House

    It sounds like a respect issue to me, obviously if you have mentioned this before and they know about your girlfriend's issues, and they haven't changed their attitudes about it, then maybe you could move out or hire a house cleaner. If they are wlling to listen, Paradoxum's answer was a good...
  17. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    No, it's not acknowledging your so called "prophets", it's worshipping them. As believers, we are all servants of one another. We don't place people on thrones and believers don't place themselves there either. It's a sin to do so.
  18. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    So does satan. Of course the children under 8 know, they are brainwashed, too. That verse is not what you think it means - at all. Marriage is for humans. This is what happens when you attempt to understand spiritual matters without the Holy Spirit. I pointed out that the standard of...
  19. Jake255

    How many of you have actually listened to Mormon missionaries?

    Whoa, eye opening. Thanks for posting.