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    addicted to something bad

    First of all, YOU are fearfully and WONDERFULLY MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!! And um.. Im not sure that i believe in this worldly psychology. The world just labels you with a disorder (which implies some kind of hopeless aurora) because THE world CANT fix it because they havent accepted an all powerful GOd...
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    Perversions lust pleasure sin

    thats awesome ive never thought of that before... that would probably work with angry thoughts too.. nice :)
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    Overcoming masturbation & homosexuality

    It's really actually comforting that everyone is so open with their struggles. God does want us to be transparent with one another. ;) so this is good. :) just wanted to say that.
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    Unusual Masturbation Problem

    Okay, i hope this isnt awkward. i dont know if a girl should be answering this.. But i am your sister in Christ soo.... Okayz, Ive known people that have had some of the things you have described. More of the taking off of clothes in their sleep. But anyway, I hope that i can help somehow. I...
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    I know oh so well teens can make you crazy..but this?

    It's kind of amazing (by no means in a good way) how depraved people get when sin gets a hold of you. People become numb to sin. I mean people probably know it's not right to murder. Especially because your teens are mouthy. It's like they know its wrong, but they've become so desensitized to...