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  1. M

    What part of "legal immigration" don't you understand?

    Mexico punishes illegal immigrants worse than the United States does.
  2. M

    Settling for someone you're not attracted to

    Thanks. I had a woman do that to me a few months ago. She contacted me and indicated her interest in me. After a couple of weeks of communicating with each other and indicating our interest in each other, we arranged a day for her to come spend some time with me. I finally thought that God had...
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    The 800-Pound Gorilla in the Room (Literally)

    Yes, it does. I am largely (he he) concerned with the health of the offspring. Being significantly overweight increases the chances of problems developing during pregnancy which can hurt the child. Not to mention social ostracism experienced by the obese child. Obese children have been known to...
  4. M

    Mel Gibson: Sifted like wheat?

    Mel Gibson's sins are between him and God. They are none of our business and they are none of Hollywood's business.
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    Lesson about skin color

    Kids are not being taught to show a preference for their own race. Their preference for their own race is inborn, and is a natural, biological tendency which aids their survival.
  6. M

    Lesson about skin color Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. - Newsweek
  7. M

    Alcohol Thread (Liquor, Wine, and Beer Affictionados Welcome!)

    I have tasted a very wide variety of both beer and wine. It would take hours to list all I've had, so here's a few of my fave beers: J.W. Dundee's Honey Brown (one of the few beers that is just as good at room temperature) Ayinger Celebrator Dopple Bock Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout (not...
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    Mel Gibson's rant/ women's sizes.

    I'm not joining in the bashing of Mel Gibson, because I am well aware of who hates him and why. Please keep in mind that Whoopi Goldberg and Mel Gibson are personal friends, and that Whoopi Goldberg says he treats her children extremely well.
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    What gives you hope?

    Powerball. I know that's wrong, but I'm being honest. When I buy a ticket, my mood is lifted for a couple of days.
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    Is Drinking Alcohol a sin

    We've had beer at a couple of our lunches in the fellowship hall. I haven't visited my pastor at his home yet, but I am 99.9% sure he would offer me a beer if I did.
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    Test Predicts Whether Relationships Will Last

    Remember, these indicators are often subconscious. The person may feel obligated to be with someone because they have already been with that person for a couple of months, or because that person did something significant for them, and they feel indebted to that person, or that their happiness...
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    Test Predicts Whether Relationships Will Last

    If a person associates their SO with negative concepts, then they do not highly esteem him. If you do not esteem someone, are you likely to love and honor him?
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    Test Predicts Whether Relationships Will Last

    Can you mention some of the specific features that you associate with him? Could they be features that indicate high-testosterone levels, like a prominent brow and long jaw line?
  14. M

    Is Drinking Alcohol a sin

    I was raised in Pentecostalism. Drinking alcohol was absolutely considered a sin, and although we used the phrase, "Jesus turned water into wine" we believed that the people in Jesus' day simply referred to grape juice as "wine." So we actually believed that Jesus' first miracle was to turn...
  15. M

    Is Drinking Alcohol a sin

    What's Alco-lol?
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    Test Predicts Whether Relationships Will Last

    "The results showed that volunteers who found it easy to associate their partner with bad things and difficult to associate the partner with good things were more likely to separate over the next year. The test also did a better job of predicting a breakup than did an initial survey in...
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    Is Drinking Alcohol a sin

    No. Jesus absolutely drank alcohol. And he committed no sin.
  18. M

    Should Christian go to Night Clubs & Bar

    Thanks for that. I won't be going to one.
  19. M

    Should Christian go to Night Clubs & Bar

    I've been to a bar once or maybe twice (it's been a while). I don't like the cigarette smoke and the cussing. The beer is great, it's just too expensive. I used to go to a restaurant a lot that had 14 ounce mugs of beer for a dollar. I was a regular there until they upped the price to 2 bucks...