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  1. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    Your first phrase here is stretching my point, (I haven't asserted it's actually 80%, neither is it as cut and dried as "have to decide sexual orientation." So you're not being straightforward, which I positively and unabashedly HATE) but moving on: Deciding to be fruitful is not the point...
  2. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    See how simple that is? You're allowed to think that way. I'm allowed to fear God. All the other nonsense in the thread isn't necessary
  3. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    "It doesn't say it's going to rain, it says it's going to pour!" (At least it's not a strawman, so thank you for that) You should also read my tagline re: Freodin, and see how it applies here
  4. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    You're not waiting. You're deliberately ignoring while you bait, which really can't be any more civil than creating non-stop strawmen
  5. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    Convince your comrades to cease with the strawmen and maybe we can have a decent discussion? As it is there's TONS of answers in this thread, but scattered amongst WAY too much nonsense
  6. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    Forget the hatrick, you've got 4 strawmen here! Up to #3,277
  7. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    Strawman #3,732. (Although this same one has been used before so it might not count. Yet it hasn't previously been used by you, so in a way it is new. anytime you feel like addressing the issue, go right ahead ...) #2a is not only a concern, but the primary concern I have stated, albeit...
  8. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    Aaaand ... strawman #3,731. Doesn't anyone ever read the context of a thread before commenting?
  9. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    You were addressing someone who protected domestic soil from attack in the Viet Nam war, along the only coast that could possibly have been at risk. That was an incredibly brash thing to say
  10. R

    medical students boycotting lectures on evolution

    I wouldn't put it that way. And the classic example of why not, is the phenomenon of a PFC (professing former christian) What if they actually were a believer, and are no longer? I don't think any and every understanding they ever had magically "poofs" away. (Neither have I found one with a...
  11. R

    Give "Bad" Advice

    No, you should float. It works for your avatar! Can I float too?
  12. R

    Even Pat Robertson Denies the Earth is 6,000 Years Old

    Can God's actions be classed as "murder?" Can they be justified, or condemned? Even if he does something, why is that relevant to any of us doing the same thing? And in extreme cases, they got it wrong. You might be familiar with the Lollards, pointing this out to the RCC, long before the...
  13. R

    War with Israel

    This is now exhibit C that you have NO basis whatsoever to form any opinion re: what the Bible might or might not say, or mean. From it's oldest book: Job 6:16 Which are blackish by reason of the ice, [and] wherein the snow is hid: 9:30 If I wash myself with snow water, 24:19 Drought...
  14. R

    My Ice Core Chronology Challenge

    What does this reveal about the paleo diet? :D I'm just busting yer chops; interesting stuff!
  15. R

    medical students boycotting lectures on evolution

    TRANSLATE: explanation or no, you will still steadfastly refuse to see the point. So why would I explain myself?
  16. R

    War with Israel

    You won't last long on Cf saying things like that; you might take note of the rules? Ok, so exhibit B that you have no idea what Scripture is talking about. (Exhibit A was what I quoted you earlier) A middle eastern thing it is. IF you can get through all the surface layers, you can...
  17. R

    West Point's Cadet Chapel hosts first same-sex wedding

    Or looking the other way?