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  1. Sunny_Seraphim

    Makes me proud to be a Christian...

    There will always be fanatics, extremists and "crazies" in any religion... I feel that, however, whenever an Islamic extremist blows up a building, we brush it off, like "oh yeah, he only killed 200 people, whatever." But as soon as one of those CHRISTIANS say something like that? Well, they are...
  2. Sunny_Seraphim

    Apostles Creed - Jesus in Hell?

    - Apostles Creed - believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Maker of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended...
  3. Sunny_Seraphim

    Wars, Earthquakes, Death - Oh My?

    I... am curious to know your thoughts on this? As you know, recent Earthquake activity has sparked death and fear throughout Chile, Haiti and Japan. It seems that more and more earthquakes are occurring, more and more wars are beginning and starting and becoming rumors, such as Libya declaring a...
  4. Sunny_Seraphim

    How Does One Respond to the Accusation that God Took an Innocent Life?

    Thank you all so much! ^^ I've got a very good idea of what I am to say back to her. Thank you all! :D God Bless!!!
  5. Sunny_Seraphim

    How Does One Respond to the Accusation that God Took an Innocent Life?

    The title says it all. My friend and I were talking about religion, she is becoming an Atheist... And gave this reason. "it (God) took two people (Mom and Grandma) who did nothing wrong, one of them through cancer (Mom). it not only ruined her life but also everyone else around her was...
  6. Sunny_Seraphim


    I am somewhat confused... I have heard Origen called a heretic before, and yet I have heard him called a Saint. What am I to beleive? Was he a heretic in his teachings, or is he really a Doer of the Word of the Lord?
  7. Sunny_Seraphim

    Do You Wear a Cross/Crucifix?

    Yeah, I wear a cross but may, in fact, get a crucifix necklace just because Jesus is that cool. <3 I also have a Rosary! Which can be worn as a necklace due to it's large size. However, I feel it's sort of blasphemous to do that, I'm not sure why. >.<;
  8. Sunny_Seraphim

    Honest question for Protestants: Does the Catholic church teach the Gospel?

    As far as I know... Yes, Catholics are Christians! I have actually read some of the Catechism and also know many Catholic friends, and their theology is VERY similar to Protestantism when it comes to the Bible. I would honestly say they have more "ritual" (Ie: They perform Euchrist more often...
  9. Sunny_Seraphim

    Are Mormons Christians?

    Ohhh! Thank you all very much! ^^ Especially bbbbbbbbbbb :D I shall pray for my Mormon friends then, hoping they will come to see the Truth!
  10. Sunny_Seraphim

    Are Mormons Christians?

    While, yes, Mormons do acknowledge Jesus Christ died for our sins... They deny the Holy Trinity, say God was created, that he has a corporeal body, and beleive in the Book of Mormon along with the Bible... Thus, I wonder... Are they Christians? Do they go to Heaven when they die? I know some...