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  1. S

    Evangelical United Brethren Church

    Good article. I grew up in an old EUB church in Columbus, Ohio. Even after the 68 merger, our parish only received former EUB pastors. It basically remained an EUB church until the early 90's when we got our first pastor from the other side. Unfortunately, it was at this point the church...
  2. S

    Has Bishop Schori lost her mind???

    The Bishop of the Diocese of Southern Ohio, Tom Braidenthal, speaking of unity, mentioned that it is far more important to maintain our Christian integrity than to remain united under false pretense. Compromise of the historic faith has never held a communion intact. Yet he is still not in...
  3. S

    Do you believe in Ghosts? What is your take?

    All day Christmas Eve, SyFy had a marathon of it's popular show "Ghost Hunters." This piqued my curiosity, so I watched many of the episodes. I was impressed by the fact that the folks on this show are, for the most part, very skeptical of supposed haunts, and do what they can to recreate and...