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  1. M

    Anger Towards Friends

    Ha, it turns out one of my friends has a reasonable excuse for completely ignoring me for the last month, turns out she has a boyfriend (nice of her to tell me) how dare she!!! lol Crud I need a girlfriend quick, what was that girl's number again.
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    2 tongues

    Second tongue, that's wierd You don't think the second tongue could by symbolic like double speak or something? Hey Forealzchola without any real knowlege of dream interpretation and just giving you my initial reaction, are you worried about lying to someone? I could have really missed the...
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    Hearing The Sound Of A Trumpet & Heavenly Choir

    I heard trumpet loud sounds once, asked my sister whether she heard it, she said no, it was kinda embarrassing because the thought did occur to me that it could be the apocalypse. Now I think perhaps I was just having a little episode :)
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    Did I do anything wrong?

    I’m pretty sure that you cannot blaspheme against the Holy Spirit with a random thought, it has to be more deliberate than that. You don’t have anything to worry about.
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    Being Pulled Away From God

    I would say that if you could at the very least rest on the core truths of Christianity - God loves his creation, especially man (for some strange reason). God sent his son to die for us. Even though a couple of years ago I would have said what I wrote above was great advice but once you...
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    Anger Towards Friends

    Hey Freeport, ^_^ Cookie monster, I don't know where she got that one from, I guess I'm Fred from now on. Yeah I love the way she talks as well, great accent. Thanks man for the blessings.
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    Being Pulled Away From God

    Sorry I forgot to give you advice. A little while back I was really depressed, constantly thinking about death in every waking moment and insomnia. The only thing that seemed to help was this prayer book I started up where I would write every single thing that troubled me and asked God for...
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    Being Pulled Away From God

    Hey Jesuschristmysaviour, I just wanted to say that you may think that your faith in God is not strong but I think it is. You know what this preacher and his wife are preaching is wrong, you can discern from the love of Christ that you've always known from the fire and brimestone speech this guy...
  9. M

    Anger Towards Friends

    It was worth going out last night, I met this gorgeous girl last night, she's English, studying law at uni here. She is so much fun, uses a lot of innuendo though that I didn't know quite how to respond to. She's a little out of my league but some how I got her number. At some point she asked me...
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    Anger Towards Friends

    Cool, yes. Chatty or always happy-happy... definitely not. yeah that sounds like me "Yes, I wasn't their number one choice for everything, but in the end, God used me to be a big influence in their lives. And they were appreciative of that. Being good does mean making hard decisions --...
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    Anger Towards Friends

    You are right about the writing, even by writing what I posted above I am a lot calmer. I want to tell them and eventually I think that is what I am going to do but once you say something you can't take it back, I've been friends with these people since primary school. Anyway going out, I am...
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    Anger Towards Friends

    I am always there for my friends, I am always keen to do anything, I am the first to say "Yeah, sounds like fun." But as soon as I need them, coz I really need to blow off some steam, nup no one willing to hit Hindley Street with me. One of them in particular is always telling me that her other...
  13. M

    He's UGLY but GORGEOUS?! What do I do?

    Okay, I'll tell you what I do whenever someone wants to meet me from online, blow them off. Actually that's terrible advice, ignore me. Or you could use the "Lets be friends" get out of jail free card. BTW personality vs Aesthetics, gotta give the man credit for not using Brad Pitts picture.
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    Getting girl to like me

    Mate, right there, low self-esteem. Based on what scale are these friends better than you. You don't know their past, their inner most thoughts. There could be tension lurking below that perfect facade. That goes for that girl as well.
  15. M

    I need some advice!

    Yeah he likes you. Perhaps you could send a smile his way the next time you find him staring at you. I don't suppose your church has youth activities that you can both go to, where you can just have fun and not worry. I recommend reading by Joshua Harris, when I first read it, probably around...
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    Just a short, funny dream

    Sorry about the above post I was tired when I wrote it. Bushy beards?! what was I going on about
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    Modern Pharisees, or Children of the Devil

    Because 100% of the population are hypocrites and those who call people hypocrites are they themselves hypocrites (guess that makes me a hypocrite). When people judge what music some one listens to or the fact they are a big fan of Tolkien, they seem to forget that we’ve been justified by faith...
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    Unable to move...

    Hey Angelfire, you know, I'm the same. The only advice that I can give you though is if you have an idea, perhaps do some research, the more you know about something the less daunting it is. Also take example of those who have gone before you. Abraham, Paul and in particular Moses who wasn't a...
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    Just a short, funny dream

    Hey you could of hit on something deep here. All Santa secretly hate children, I knew it!!! Good thing they have those bushy beards
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    Unable to move...

    Yeah I felt the need to go but not for the reasons you're describing, you actually have a good reason, a call from God but I guess you're not sure whether it is God or not? Is there any where in particular you feel the need to go?