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  1. J

    View on charasmatic theology

    OK, sorry to 'gatecrash' but you did say 'those so inclined.' The Old Testament law would also command the death penalty for adulterers - and probably therefore the man who 'had his father's wife' whether that was mother or step-mother. Paul doesn't command the Corinthians to stone the guy...
  2. J

    What should I read regarding infant baptism?

    Thank you in advance for your responses. :)
  3. J

    The unforgivable sin

    For a while I thought that I had committed this sin. It was awful at the time, but now I see that fear as a very timely wake-up call. Up till then I had been very lax in regards to faith. I am still by no means perfect, but now I feel like I actually care about that much more. It was almost like...
  4. J

    VERY SERIOUS ? See post

    Did God punish the early Christians (including the apostles) for using coins with the words :'The deified Augustus,' written on them? Even Jesus would have used these coins, and Jesus most certainly didn't sin. Emperor worship is condemned in Revelation, as Pergamum, where there was a temple to...
  5. J

    VERY SERIOUS ? See post

    A question for you. If God desires to save his people, will he simply leave them to be ensnared by Satan, however subtle he is? Is Revelation therefore an intelligence test, where you look at the prophecies and the people who apply them correctly will avoid being snared? That's what the Jews did...
  6. J

    What is a Sacrament?

  7. J

    The unforgivable sin

    Indeed, because concern of this sort is a gift of God. As shown by the Pharisees not at all being worried by Jesus' words but instead plotting to kill him. I would say that the sin is becoming fixed in an attitude that will lead you to reject God even in the face of obvious divine power.
  8. J

    The unforgivable sin

    The Pharisees were making the allegation against Jesus as far back as Matthew 9, in prelude to Jesus' denunciation of them in Matthew 12. This shows that this sin is not a single act but a continued rejection of the Spirit. Simon Magus 'blasphemed against the Spirit,' in Acts, but Peter said...
  9. J

    Is Scott Hahn Going to Heaven?

    Wouldn't you say that whether we are considered hell-bound anathematised heretics or brothers in Christ is rather important to dialogue between denominations? It somewhat sets the tone, doesn't it? I'm also confused about the idea of semper eadem. AFAIK, by this Catholic teaching, the Roman...
  10. J

    In what way does God primarily interact with us?

    As a group of people (the Church, humanity in general, etc.), or as individuals? While God interacts with us on an individual level (as shown by the biographies in Scripture), he also deals with us according to groups to which we belong (e.g. God's dealing with the Israelites). Which is of...
  11. J

    Alas for the charismatic renewal

    Whitefield is said to have driven 15 people insane in his first sermon. ;) On a Biblical note, wasn't Jesus nearly thrown off a cliff after preaching first in his "base church."? Also, bringing the focus back onto Jesus is not necessarily far removed from this topic.:)
  12. J

    Alas for the charismatic renewal

    :thumbsup: On this topic?
  13. J

    Alas for the charismatic renewal

    Dear all, Sorry to walk in unannounced, but maybe this conviction is meant to stir you up to preach... That's what the prophets did in the Bible. And Jesus, of course. And Paul, too. Not to mention John the Baptist. And the apostles. In case you think this "isn't your gifting," that you're...
  14. J

    The Greek of John1:1

    I'm currently studying Greek at school. There is in fact an indefinite article: tis. I think I've come across phrases in Classical texts such as 'qeos tis,' meaning 'a god,' or 'tis qewn,' meaning 'one of the gods.' While it is indeed sometimes left out, it is most of the time left in when...
  15. J

    Quantum Mechanics and Calvinism

    Quantum doesn't prove that there are no causes, only that we do not know them. You can't prove a negative, after all. JMHO
  16. J

    Could someone explain to me...

    I'm getting the image of a hybrid between a tree and a stuffed animal. Please elaborate. :) You get that everywhere. Sift and sift again. Who is the more reverent: one who sings in high pitched archaisms to organ music for three hours non-stop and then goes off sinning for a week or one...
  17. J

    The Catholic church

    If we deny that those who believe can be saved on account of their denying other doctrine, we ourselves are denying a much more fundamental part of the Gospel than those we consider to be heretics. On Judgement Day we will all see many things we do now as sinful. Scores of errors in belief...
  18. J

    An interesting quiz

    I'd have thought there was a lot of good in Barth's views. God being fundamentally different from humans ('you cannot say God by saying man in a loud voice.'). A reduced emphasis on natural theology in favour of Scripture. A focus on Jesus as the supremely perfect revelation of God. I don't...
  19. J

    An interesting quiz

    Wasn't Karl Barth a Reformed minister?