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  1. M


    No water baptism is not required for salvation. One might even question if water baptism is for today.
  2. M

    Why do we have many versions of the BILBLE ?

    I don't think so it is just our humaness. We all come to the Bible with our own baggage. Preconceived notions. If you grew up say in a Calvinistic Pre-Mill Pre-trib traditon you are going to be more inclined to read that into what you are seeing in the Bible. If you grew up with an Armenian view...
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    Different Views on the End times

    Hi Everyone! I would like to get different views on the End-Times. I have always believed in pre-mill pre-trib. Does anyone here believe or just know the position of a-mill or post-mill views? And are there other views than these out there? I find this area to be extremely interesting so please...
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    Why do we have many versions of the BILBLE ?

    I think the answer to this is that God is spirit and those that worship Him must worship Him in truth and spirit. I think that is key. If we had the original format blow by blow I think we would worship that above God just like Muslims do the Quran. God wants us to have faith like a child. Trust...
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    It may just be a physical problem then. Is the medication helping? Is there something that has happened recently that may have triggered this? Was there something bad that happened to you when you were younger that maybe your mind is suppressing? I feel for you. Hopefully the doctors can figure...
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    Giants?...Sons of God?

    Just an expression of Speech on the I'll bite. I didn't think you were trying to trick me or anything. Scott
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    Giants?...Sons of God?

    Okay John I'll bite but I believe this is purely speculation on my part. I believe they were angels or some sort. Somehow they figured out how to mate with women. I believe that is why the four angels are chained in the River Euphrates for this. Again I think this is pure speculation on my part...
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    Please help me with a confused friend.....

    I can't tell you what you should do because I don't know the situation. How good of a friend is this? It sounds like he is just trying to get a rise out of you. I personally would ignore this. He is just poking fun at you. I have had athiest friends who would say stuff like this to me to see how...
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    Much needed advice about a tattoo

    I don't have a problem with a tatoo. The OT speaks against it but tatooz were a part of idol worship in the ancient middle east. The NT speaks nothing of it so I would say it would be okay. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit but I believe that has more to do with what you are on the...
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    I don't know if what I say can help but I can tell you about myself. I suffer from mild chronic depression. I know that is not the same as yours but hopefully it can help you find ways to combat this. One change what you eat. Get away from simple sugars like regular soda and sweetned cereal...
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    The Promise Ring

    I was 16 when I asked God that He would help me to be a virgin when I got married. I was 25 when I got married and my wife and I were virgins. It was a long wait but very worth it. Society pushes kids to have sex and they don't consider the destruction that pre-marital sex causes. Christians are...
  12. M

    Matthew 11:

    Recently I have come to appreciate those versus more and more. I used to be so caught up in the dos and donts of Christianity that my joy was taken away. Love the Lord your God and your neighbor as yourself and the rest will take care of itself.
  13. M

    Your body a Temple ?

    I think it goes back to what Jesus said,"that God is spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and truth." God is no longer in the Holy of holies in Temple He is in the Holy of Holies in your heart. God does not desire sacrifice but a broken and contrite heart. I think we as...
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    Predestination, Free Will and Praying

    One reason is because God said to do so. Man is still responsible even though God knows the end from the beginning. We pray because God wants us to pray. Prayer doesn't change God but changes us. The sovereignity of God and the responsibility of man are both taught in scripture. They make no...
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    Many Are Called

    Matthew 20.16 "for many are called but few chosen." this phrase is only in the KJV and NKJV so it must only be in the Received Text. The NIV and CEV do not have this phrase which use a different Greek text (sorry can't remember the text). The Matthew 20 parable starts by saying the kingdom of...
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    I need Help Badly

    Keep one thing in mind. You don't feel the way you do overnight. It is a process like the frog in the kettle. It is the same with getting back to where you want to be. It will take time. Just by stating that you want to get back is an indication that God is dealing with you and that you are on...
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    Can't wait till admin deletes those posts.

    Thanks for letting me know on the other board that things were taken care of here. I was quite appalled at that crap. Take care.
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    Forgiving Oneself?

    Here is something to consider. If God forgave you then you are insulting Him by not forgiving yourself. You are saying that your forgiveness is better than His.
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    Rules for Bible interpreting...

    Great piece of writing here. Cults seeem to be famous for not following these rules. Take Islam for instance they say that Jesus never said worship me. I always respond that yes He did over and over when you see it through the historical and cultural context of Scripture. Christians also run...