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  1. malckiah

    My Problem With God

    Wow! I did not know that.... feel free to rep me! :thumbsup:
  2. malckiah

    My Problem With God

    Sorry that I am not posting a response to you, but I have a question.... How is your rep so high if you are so new?
  3. malckiah

    Why I changed my faith Icon

    As far as evidence goes... it is purely a perspective issue. There is EVIDENCE everywhere and all over of creation. As well as the fact that the creations themselves speak of the Creator Himself. As far as The Bible and the fact that nothing has been written in nearly 2000 years.... why would...
  4. malckiah

    From Catholicism to atheism

    I think leaving organized religion is fine to some degree as some would say its not a religion, but a relationship. As soon as your belief is all about religion there is a problem. It should be all about Christ and having a personal relationship with Him. Of course there are churches that focus...
  5. malckiah

    Why I changed my faith Icon

    It is sad that soooo many people are turned off by Christianity because of "Christians". Its a well known fact that many call themselves Christian but are indeed hypocrites and truly do not follow the Christian way. Then you must also consider that Christians are in no way perfect...just...
  6. malckiah

    Depression loosing Faith help!

    Personally I do not condone prescription drugs and the like. I feel there is always a natural way to deal with things. And God is more than powerful enough to help you. A lot of times depression can be caused by the lack of certain vitamins or minerals in your diet as well it can be caused by...
  7. malckiah

    Depression loosing Faith help!

    My Advice: Get a NKJV Study Bible to help you with understanding The Bible. Try to read the bible during a time of day that you are most awake so that you do not get sleepy and can focus well. Also surround yourself with Christ. Get involved in a Bible teaching church. See if you have a Calvary...
  8. malckiah

    Could someone explain me evolution & Big Bang?

    Being that I know there are NO flaws in Christianity I am lead to ask: What do you see as the flaws in Christianity? Please be detailed and list them all.
  9. malckiah

    Pledge of allegiance idolatry

    Well, you whipper snappers sure know your laws! Good for you! I surely don't know everything. But one thing i do know is the point that i have been trying to make this whole time. And that is that nomatter what you say, think, or do, you can not change the one true fact that as the pledge of...
  10. malckiah

    Pledge of allegiance idolatry

    yes, but again... the problem is that you are pledging allegiance to THE FLAG (an unliving material object! THEN later in the pledge you pledge allegiance to THE REPUBLIC for which it stands! You are pledging allegiance to two seperate things.... though you have combined them, in truth they are...
  11. malckiah

    Pledge of allegiance idolatry

    You are missing the point of what i am saying. Perhaps to you... you have obviously passed it off as symbolism and that is good, since that shows that you had no intent of worshipping the flag when you said the pledge. However, my point is not about what you are making it out to mean in your...
  12. malckiah

    Pledge of allegiance idolatry

    I know this will send shockwaves through the forum, but i feel it is needed to address as many who pledge allegiance are Christians unknowledgable in what they are truly doing. I am sure that many of you are so devoted to your precious America that you get angry at even the thought of what i am...
  13. malckiah

    first 10

    God Bless!
  14. malckiah

    Reputation Blessings (12)

    reps and blessings to you!
  15. malckiah

    Please explain the Trinity

    Well, there are alot of things about God that cannot be explained.....i feel i can give you a very basic idea, but God is soooo much more than our brains can comprehend! Maybe a way to understand is to make a comparison....for instance, look at an egg. It's one item....Egg. Yet it has three...
  16. malckiah

    New Dress Up Game-Lots of Blessings!

    Here i am!
  17. malckiah

    Dress up contest 1 & a 1/2

    Here i am!
  18. malckiah


    A known forgery. You are mistaken my friend, this specific verse is and has never been in is the verse 8, the verse after it that is in question! God Bless!
  19. malckiah

    Does God speak?

    I can't believe the responces on here! You can't just say that her friends are hearing from demons! It is possible that God has spoken to them. Be careful that you do not blaspheme The Spirit of God! Yes, i must admit God usually speaks to our hearts and without audible words, but i have heard...