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  1. M

    18 years old and thinks he knows everything

    Wow, can I relate! I've just started a zero tolerance rule about my son's very foul mouth (when angry -which is ALOT of the time). I told him I would not drive him anywhere (except to and from school), rent any movies or games, or buy him spring clothes (except socks & underwear) until his...
  2. M


    We didn't have the same issues with our DD son, now almost 9, but he has Oral Motor apraxia. To stimulate different areas of his mouth, our speech therapist would use an unusual kind of brush with very unique nubby rubber bristles -available from speech catalogs, to touch certain areas of his...
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    Helping speech delays w/autism

    We used sign language and pictures to encourage my DD son, now almost 9. He used sign language until he was about 3 1/2 years old. For pictures, we would even take pictures of his favorite toys, family members, etc. - the things he knew and loved the most about his world - and made small...
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    16 yr old niece moving in

    What is the girl like when she stays with you on vacation? Do you see a change in your daughter? How respectful of your rules has she been when she stays with you short-term? We actually sent our son to stay with relatives out of town this past summer. Their children (ages17, 15 & 12)...
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    teens and inappropriate content

    "Evebry Man's Battle' is available from New Life Ministries, you can google their website. They also advertise a filter you can download to keep your computer safe from inappropriate content. I haven't done it yet but am considering it; it sounded affordable and I respect their radio show and books. We...
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    Enforcing a bedtime for 15 year old

    I appreciate you sharing your story. I know that our son has a lot of unsupervised free time,and hasn't really found his way in school clubs, sports, etc. I homeschooled him when he was younger, so he entered school at middle school age. I have offered suggestions but he doesn't want to...
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    Enforcing a bedtime for 15 year old

    I have never thought about the Old Testament bar mitzvah as relating to our contemporary teenagers. I guess that would make sense, though. Are there other O.T. scripture that deal with teens or older children? I have tried to allow him the ability to control his bedtime at as long as he's...
  8. M

    How can you wake a teenage son up?

    I tried banging lids from my pots & pans together, he hated it. (That was after I took his quilt and pillow.) I banged the lids for almost 5 minutes, then told him I was going upstairs for the pitcher of water. He got up before I got back downstairs.... it was very annoying but effective.
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    Enforcing a bedtime for 15 year old

    Hi, I'm brand-new - my first posting, so hopefully I'm doing this right. It would take all morning to describe the difficulties we've faced this past year, with our oldest son who is 15 years old. My husband and I differ a great deal on parenting (and yes, I know it's a HUGE problem, and...