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  1. uberd00b

    Reaching The Lost

    On a different tack, shouldn't the lost also include those who believe differently to yourself? After all if you're party to the real truth of everything and others believe differently aren't they wrong?
  2. uberd00b

    Reaching The Lost

    In answer to your first question; Perhaps just ignore the differences? I think that may be difficult when people are claiming the one true Truth™ but I'm sure it's possible in most cases. To your second; Converting the un-converted should be relatively easy. All that's needed are good solid...
  3. uberd00b

    W London presentation on amazing things happenen in Africa

    I'm not convinced. These people are poorly educated and superstitious. This is a fertile ground for religion, as societies like this do tend to be very religious. Will they really be better off believing our myths over their own? Why should we export our tribalism over there when they have a...
  4. uberd00b

    Is Evolution A Lie?

    Science is the study of the world around us. To a Christian science must be the study of God's creation. On the one hand we have a book written by (some would say inspired) man, on the other we have God's direct creation itself. One message is filtered through fallible man and the other...
  5. uberd00b

    Alpha Course

    :wave: Take the problem of evil, free will vs. predestination, the problems of omnipotence or any of the other problems. Don't let them bamboozle you with feel good stories of love and forgiveness. You DO tell kids there is no Santa Claus? You are such a bad person. ;)
  6. uberd00b

    Is Evolution A Lie?

    There is nothing like creationism for demonstrating the pitfalls of the vice of faith. If you're going to "just believe" something that does not appear to be true then in extremis you may start to believe something which is demonstrably untrue (and become convinced that this is a virtue).
  7. uberd00b

    Alpha Course

    Well I suspect some religious people are going to try and make their religion sound plausible, while subtley skirting the problems therein. I'd be interested in your experience if you would post it here. Take some good questions with you. I've had an inkling to attend one for a while but I...
  8. uberd00b

    Question from the younger generation.

    Don't forget you are also trying to employ the morality of primitive people who regarded women as property. This is always going to be problematic in a society that has moved beyond that. Not everyone views sex as a bad thing, nor do they think a woman is worth less if she has had sex, because...
  9. uberd00b

    Anyone from the UK want to be friends?

    As your new Christian friends will generally be (shamefully but unsurprisingly) unwilling to mention that elephant, I would like to say that it does appear that you have been lied to. But not by who you think. I hope you enjoy Christianity and that your New Life Church does not teach you to...
  10. uberd00b

    Does Christianity have a future?

    To be honest I think it must adjust or find itself irrelevant. Isn't this what has happened throughout history? Humanity seems to drag the Church (or, all the churches) along kicking and screaming.
  11. uberd00b

    Does Satan and his minions get their power from God?

    If God is all powerful then nothing can happen without it's permission. This is unavoidable.
  12. uberd00b

    Question from the younger generation.

    I agree. American Christianity is far removed from the Christianity I was raised with. :thumbsup::amen: Low-brow nonsense popular culture!
  13. uberd00b

    Question from the younger generation.

    Is that what we are really told? I certainly was never told that as a youngster. That's going to depend on your definition of what it is to be a Christian. It seems to me that Christian morality is improving in this fashion, albeit at a slightly retarded rate. It must be difficult in a world in...
  14. uberd00b

    "Dear Lord, I am a good person and an Atheist . . ."

    I honestly think if a theist was to grasp atheism they would become an atheist. Once the view is comprehended all the mystery and problems of theism are answered in one quick concise and obvious answer.
  15. uberd00b

    Does Christianity have a future?

    I don't think it does. In the prosperous and educated first world numbers of believers are shrinking. The things that Christianity has been saying for centuries are being recognised as immoral or just plain incorrect. I'm not even sure it's secularisation will help as if it comes to agree...
  16. uberd00b

    Westboro Baptist Church

    Ask the North Koreans.
  17. uberd00b

    MS Republicans believe interracial marriage should be illegal

    Has the Republican party been infiltrated by detractors in order to bring it down from the inside or is the movement that uncredible?
  18. uberd00b

    Intelligent Design

    ID/creationism is the essential dishonesty of faith writ large.
  19. uberd00b

    Obama’s Advisor calls for Invasion of Israel

    You've more in common with the Palestinians than you'll admit.
  20. uberd00b

    Obama’s Advisor calls for Invasion of Israel

    So you can't see a conflict of interest problem here? A man comes to you with a book he's written that claims your house is his and you wouldn't see a problem with it?