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  1. P

    The damnable doctrine of backsliding

    In other words, God never rejected them or unsaved them, they were lost because fo them...not God.... so, yes God's promise i still active
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    The damnable doctrine of backsliding

    Yes, they were lost....but no not unsaved... at least those who did remain loyal to Him.
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    The damnable doctrine of backsliding

    It's not really how much you sin.... it's really the density of sin or rather or not it is a daily habit. If you cheat on your wife, just once, though, it is hard to tell. The most a Christians will ever sin is perhaps few times for a few different types of sins....but hardly daily. Whether...
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    would you please pray for me?

    Be Healed in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost...
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    Its my Fault

    But did you or whoever you talked ever considered the possibility that he would've raped you anyways? It doesn't take much to get someone all over you. words and conversations aren't the only thing that tempt men into raping. You could shake hands in a friendly, non-sensual way and still tempt...
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    Even after all of this time....

    Indeed, don't let the wound get worse, but heal it till it hurts no more. And by His stripes we are healed. Use that to heal you.
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    There are some men who don't like themselves because they are perverts or have perverted thoughts and perhaps have a perverted past which they regret.
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    Struggling to find me in this mess

    After this, do not hold grudges against your brother for it is not healthy, but forgive him.
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    Please answer, very important for me

    He was temporarily forsaken so we would not be forsaken. That's how He payed the price. He took the sins of the world upon Himself, since God doesn't like sin, He couldn't look at Him or be in His presence. No sin can exist in His presence... This happens in the process of moving from life to...
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    my wife was abused

    Hallelujah to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Help!, I think I'm abusive / co-dependant

    Okey, so what's your story?
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    Holy Spirit Vision

    Oh, He can come in any colors He'd liked or you'd like. And in any form and shape He'd like. When He came to Himself in the flesh, when He was baptized by John, He came in the form of a Dove.
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    On The Freking Edge

    Move in with someone you trust. then, slowly and patiently, with the help of that trusted one, make those decisions.
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    Is it too late?

    Romans 12:21 do not be overcomed by evil but overcome evil with good. Justice or mercy is good. revenge is not. He should be arrested or he could be beating up another girl. At least if and when he repents, it's always good to forgive and forget... grudges aren't healthy. Either physically or...
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    i may as well get it over with

    That's your mother... she shouldn't do that. I think she was probably in a simialr sitch as you when she was your age.
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    This bugs me...the chosen people

    TRhat was already answered. God chose Abraham to give birth to the Jewish tree because amongst the people in that time, he was the most righteous and trusted. Or maybe He chose them because He wanted something to happen in the future... other then the birth of Christ.
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    This bugs me...the chosen people

    Wait, what does "Israel" means? That might have a significance and might answer all the questions we've ever asked.
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    My Mind

    Indeed, look for someone in a similar situation, opposite of your sex, and ask that person to marry you. Marry that woman ASAP. This will help avoid sexual sins. Paul recommended this in one of the letters to the corinthians. Try I Corinthians. Probably in chapter two.